This Christian Web ministry seeks to inform persons of the soon return of Jesus.

Fulfillment of Bible Prophecy in Today's News

God's plan for man is written in The Holy Bible, and this plan is drawing to its conclusion as shown by daily news reports.


This Internet ministry seeks to reach persons around the world to teach the love of God and salvation through faith in Jesus the Christ...

Fulfillment of Bible Prophecy in Today's News

The author of this site's politically incorrect, Scripturally correct comments is Raymond Finney, who is solely responsible for statements and conclusions.


God has given us His plan for the end of the Age of Grace. We now live in the last days of this age. All prophecies pointing to Jesus' return have been sufficiently fulfilled for His return. He can appear in the clouds to call His faithful followers to join Him at any moment. In this Website, current news stories and ancient Bible prophecies are correlated to show that THE HOLY BIBLE IS TRUE, GOD IS REAL, and JESUS WILL RETURN. The true significance of events reported daily in the news media can be understood only by studying Bible prophecy. It is impossible to read Bible prophecy with an open mind without coming to an unshakable belief in God and His Son, Jesus the Christ (the Messiah). Prepare to meet Jesus— mankind's Savior— in glory and reward, not in shame and punishment. Warn others you know to prepare for His return. Persons who receive salvation through your efforts will be your spiritual children for eternity.

"Remember the former things of old, for I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like Me, declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times things that are not yet done,...." Isaiah 46:9-10a

[Says God the LORD] "Behold, the former things have come to pass, and new things I declare; before they spring forth I tell you of them." Isaiah 42:9

[The LORD said] "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge...." Hosea 4:6a

God's path of time extends from the beginning (eternity past) to forever and ever (eternity future). You occupy a miniscule speck of time and space on this path. The Bible should be your guide to walk along the path, as God wishes. The Bible tells you of the PAST in order that you may be guided by God's desires and teachings. Bible prophecy tells you of your FUTURE in order that you will not be caught unaware and will walk in God's ways until the end of the age. Travel well, my brother or sister!

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★

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• Follow the teachings of Jesus, Paul, and others to receive these rewards. PREPARE NOW for treasures to await you in Heaven, if you earn them now.
• GO TO MY CROWNS to learn more.

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RESIST MANAGED NEWS (PROPAGANDA)! If your only news sources are from the mainstream media, you probably know little of what is happening in the world. You regularly receive slanted, biased propaganda— often little more than political talking points— and important news may not be reported fully or accurately. Slanted (biased), incomplete news reporting is a form of censorship. To better understand truth and the world around you, scan through some of the following sites daily. Some of these sites present international and Christian viewpoints and reporting.
Brietbart USA
British Broadcasting Company (BBC) UK
Christian Post, The USA
Christian Today UK USA
Daily Mail UK
Drudge Report USA
Financial Times UK
Fox News Channel (TV) USA
Ha'aretz ISRAEL
Independent UK USA
Israeli Newspapers Online ISRAEL
Israel Insider ISRAEL
Israel Today Magazine ISRAEL
Jerusalem Post ISRAEL
London Evening Standard UK
Middle East Media Research Institute USA USA
New York Times USA
One America News Network USA
OneNewsNow USA
Prophecy Central USA
Prophecy New Headlines USA
Prophecy News Watch USA
Pravda (English version) RUSSIA
Telegraph UK USA
Washington Post USA
Washington Times USA
WorldNetDaily USA

FIGHT BACK! To complain about a biased program or news report which defames Judaism or Christianity, contact the program's sponsor(s). Sponsors financially underwrite programming through purchased advertisements. They want to attract your business, not to alienate you. A few complaints are considereed "the tip of the iceberg," probably representing many more who are offended but do not take the time to complain. In the following link, dozens of corporate logos are displayed. Click on the logo of the company you wish to contact, and you will be directed to that company's contact information:
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Drudge Report Feed: Updated feed of current news reports.
One America News Network: Independent medium which provides national television programming via its national cable networks.
Whatfinger News: Aggregate link news site.
Campus Reform: Superb news Website for college students.

Bible Tools: Retrieve Bible verses, Strong's numbers, words and phrases.
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Gerald Cellente's Trends Research Institute
Kurzweil Accelerating Intelligence

Survivopedia — an "encyclopedia of survival skills"
BE FREE! I believe in the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, which guarantees free speech and a free press (press now called the media). In this Website, I present links to news stories in the uncensored, unedited manner as published. I use only Internet-accessible sources because of the Internet's wide availability to readers. I do not necessarily believe or support some of the statements contained in these reports. Unhindered access to a diversity of opinions and personal acceptance or rejection of any opinion is at the heart of the First Amendment and is a necessity for a free people. I reject elitists' political correctness, and I certainly reject governmental manipulation (censorship) of what the public is allowed to read or hear. You, the reader, should determine what to believe or not believe. We either have complete liberty or none at all.
• Pertinent language of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press;....
• Pertinent language of God (Hosea 4:6): [The LORD said] "... my people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. 'Because you have rejected knowledge, I also reject you as my priests; because you have ignored the law of your God, I also will ignore your children.'"
JOURNALISM R.I.P. An essential guardian of freedom has been a free press ("the Fourth Estate"). America's Founding Fathers championed (hoped for) journalists who would report news vigorously, accurately, and fairly. An informed electorate, then, could exercise political judgment to correct any excess or impropriety of elected officials. That vision is dying, as "journalists" increasingly become mere advocates, presenting only their biased opinions. News reports are commonly colored and distorted by these biases. I am reminded of Pilate's statement after Jesus' trial (John 18:38a): Pilate said to [Jesus], "What is truth?" Truth may be difficult to determine in news reports. This site offers numerous news sources from around the world, mostly avoiding highly biased American mainstream news sources. Personally, I trust little from what I see or hear from American news media. By reading multiple sources, you may come closer to truth. Read and listen to a variety of sources, and always question what you read and hear. Test news, which may be fallible, against the Word of God, which is infallible. In so doing, you are a student of truth (2 Timothy 2:15): Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing* the word of truth. [* "Dividing" literally means "cutting straight."] Become a warrior for (a revolutionist for) the truth of God: "In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act." (George Orwell, British author, 1903-1950)
OWNERSHIP. This Website is owned by Raymond Finney of Maryville, Tennessee. All opinions are his. He may be contacted by email,, or by telephone, 1-865-984.1424. All email inquiries and comments will be acknowledged (answered). This Website's commentaries are NOT copyrighted. Distribute in any manner you wish, except please do so in a manner respectful of God.

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ARCHIVED NEWSLETTERS AND MESSAGES: Newsletters and messages from 2009 to 2011 have been removed to conserve space. Some more recent Sunday School lessons (since 2011) are stored in a document archive. Please CLICK here to be referred to the lesson archive. Then, please click on any underlined title (link) of interest to be referred to that document. None of this material is copyrighted. Please read, print, forward to others, or use in any Christ-honoring manner you wish. Help spread the Gospel!
NEW COMPILATION of some Sunday School (Bible study) lessons I wrote weekly (before 2017 retirement). GO TO I am now retired from teaching (no more newsletters or archived lessons).
REFERENCE ACKNOWLEDGMENT: Scriptures taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW KING JAMES VERSION (NKJV), © Thomas Nelson, Inc. All quotations from The Holy Bible are written in RED font color. All quotations from the Koran are written in GREEN font color.



BACKGROUND: Jesus prophesied a world filled with wars, rumors of wars, commotions, and terrorism prior to His return to earth (see Jesus' Olivet Discourse in Matthew, chapter 24; Mark, chapter 13; and Luke, chapter 21). In Jesus' teaching, the Greek word ethnos has been poorly translated as "nation." A better translation is "ethnic group" or "people." This term accurately includes terrorist groups— small groups of people with, at best, only loose connection with any recognized national government. In this same teaching, Jesus identified others at war, using the Greek word basileia, which indicates "national governments." Thus, the end of the age will be marked by wars between nations and by terrorism. This situation precisely characterizes the present time. Note that Jesus said in this teaching that we should not be troubled— the end is not yet and these hostilities must occur. Peace is being sought by many, but all measures will ultimately fail because it is God's plan that war continues until Jesus returns. Why would a loving God permit war? Let God be God! Trust Him to do what is best, according to His plan, not what you would do if you were God. The Apostle Paul was troubled by God's mysteries, which he could not understand. In Isaiah 55:8-9, we are told that God's ways and thoughts are much higher than ours (which is a polite way of saying that we cannot understand God's mind). Perhaps, some day, answers to God's mysteries will be revealed to us in New Jerusalem (Heaven).

Since World War II, there has not been a single day free of international war, civil war, or terrorism somewhere in the world. Islamic fundamentalists now hold the nations of the earth in expectation of the next terrorist attack. Especially affected are the United States ("the great Satan") and Israel ("the little Satan"), but increasingly European nations are being terrorized. The September 11, 2001 (9/11) attack on the United States by Islamic fundamentalists was a dramatic foretaste of the terrorism which undoubtedly will be inflicted on America, Western countries, and Israel.

The meticulous preparation of terrorists and the war on terrorism being conducted in Middle East nations may have delayed additional attacks on America. More likely, though, the lull in repeat and successful terror attacks may represent God's pattern of judgment. God's judgment follows this sequence:
• First, WARNING
• Followed by a period of quiet GRACE (to determine if repentance will occur) ⇒
• Followed by JUDGMENT (if people do not repent during the grace period).

Because America has not repented, more terrorism attacks can be anticipated, and weapons of mass destruction (nuclear, chemical, or biological) may be employed.

Messianic Rabbi Jonathan Cahn has written an insightful book, The Harbinger, convincingly drawing a parallel of God's judgment on ancient Israel and modern America. Read a summary of Cahn's The Harbinger to see the important parallels between ancient Israel and modern America.

Understand important Arabic words:
Hudna. Hudna may be translated as a temporary truce or cease-fire, but with malevolent rather than peaceful intentions. In AD 628, 1,400 Muslims marched in pilgrimage toward Mecca. The Quraish tribe would not permit Muhammad and his followers to pass through their land. The outnumbered Muslims entered into the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah, and retreated peacefully from the Quraish's land. Muhammad used this temporary hudna— this false "truce" — to strenthen his army. Later, he easily defeated and passed victoriously through the Quraish tribe's land to Mecca. Modern-day hudna tactics make it possible to gain time during a "peace" (false peace) process (negotiation, treaty). By gaining time, it is easier to break a truce (treaty) and gain victory. Hudna provides time to enlist other Islamic nations or peoples to join the fight. Hudna is a well-respected Muslim tactic, endorsed by such a revered person as Muhammad.
Taqiyya. Taqiyya is a lie a Muslim is permitted— no, encouraged— to tell a kafir (a non-Muslim), if the lie permits the Muslim to gain advantage over the non-Mulsim. And, Muslims can take their cue from no other than Allah. Koran 3:54 and Koran 8:33 brag that Allah is "the best of deceivers." Koran 7:99 states that "no one feels safe from Allah's deception."
• Other permissible deceptions available to the Muslim include: kitman (lying by omission); tawriya (intentionally creating a false impression); and muruna (blending in with non-Muslims by setting aside some practices of Islam or Sharia in order to advance an Islamic cause).
• When a Muslim nation enters into any treaty or concession with a non-Muslim nation, is this a sincere desire for peace, or is it merely hudna, taqiyya, or other tactics of deception? When the naive team of Obama-Kerry recently negotiated an agreement with Iran for nuclear containment, why should we beieve anything the Iranian Shiite theocracy promises? Islamic nations play Western diplomats for fools. Western diplomats willingly play the fools because politicians think only about the results of the next election cycle (or, in the example given, Obama's "legacy"). Western leaders plan in two- or four-year election cycles, whereas Muslims are willing to plan in terms of decades or even generations. Furthermore, Western diplomats plan for the glory of a political party, but Muslims plan for the glory of Allah and Islam. Western diplomats are defeated before the first word of a "negotiation" meeting is uttered. Muslim leaders do not respect treaties. They respect military strength.

Iran is of special concern in the Middle East. Iran is led by Shiite Muslim leaders who believe that international chaos (war) will hasten the appearance of Imam Mahdi, the twelfth imam (sometimes referred to as "the Islamic messiah," although Jews and Christians should be offended by connecting the holy title of ho Christos [Greek: "the Christ"] or HaMashiach [Hebrew: "the Messiah"] to a man portrayed as the enemy of Jews and Christians). Accordingly, Iran is completing development of (or, has developed?) nuclear weapons and has promised to annihilate Israel. (But, Iran has agreed to contain nuclear weapons. Right? Or, is it hudna and taqiyya? And are we fools to believe anything the Iranians say?) And, the United States paid Iran billions of dollars in the previously mentioned agreement. Iran does not need to build missles and bombs, because we have made it possible for them to buy these implements of war from other enemy nuclear powers. Iran's fanatical government cares nothing about its own people, as any Iranian who dies in a holy war would be a martyr and would be taken into Paradise by Allah. The main goal of the Iranian nuclear program is to annihilate Israel (and other Western nations) and start a worldwide war. Shiite prophecies hold that the Mahdi will come during a time of worldwide chaos. (Read applicable ancient prophecies in Psalm 83 and Ezekiel 38 and 39.)

A question that no government official will answer is: Why would Iran, which has more petroleum than it can ever use, need to develop nuclear "electrical power plants," and, especially, extend the program to produce weapons-grade uranium?

Terrorists can easily cross America's porous borders (borders shared with Mexico and Canada), with little resistance (athough President Trump seeks to tighten border control). Once in America, they quietly establish cell groups, patiently waiting for the appropriate time to try to inflict great damage to America. The Federal Bureau of Investigation conceded there are hundreds or thousands of ISIS jihadis quietly sheltered in place, waiting, waiting, waiting,... waiting for a time to strike. (TAKE NOTE: No country resembling the United States can be found in end-time prophecy.) Other countries, especially in Europe (such as France, Germany, and the United Kingdom), are also at risk.

In 2011, we witnessed the Arab Spring, in which a number of governments were toppled. Politicians and their news media puppets talked breathlessly of "democracy," claiming the Muslim rioters only wanted (and deserved) American-style "democracy." Nonsense! First, America was not founded as a "democracy," but, rather, a constitutional republic. More importantly, though, America's Founding Fathers clearly established a government based on Judeo-Christian principles— not Islamic principles. Some of the Founding Fathers even stated that the new American form of government would be suitable only for persons of Jewish and Christian faith— and for no other faith. Peoples involved in the Arab Spring sought to embrace Sharia law, not Judeo-Christian Biblical law. Sharia is incompatible with "democracy." Even more important questions must be answered: What nation(s) or group(s) were behind the Arab Spring? What was the motive for overturning these governments? Will there be "democratic freedom," or repressive, theocratic rule? Although bad dictators were toppled, have the people benefitted; have Jews and Christians been put in much greater risk; is it more difficult (impossible) to deal with the new leaders?

More recently, extremely aggressive, barbaric Islamic groups— including ISIS (also called, ISIL, IS, Daesh) — have swept through the Middle East. The intention of this new generation of Islamic warriors is clear. They wish to convert or kill all Christians and Jews, claim formerly Judeo-Christian lands as part of an Islamic caliphate, and establish Sharia law. Only God knows the future of the many terrorist groups. Most disturbing are the number of Americans and other Westerners who voluntarily leave their homelands to become "radicalized" and return as jihadists. America probably cannot be toppled by ISIS, but multiple terrorist attacks may cripple the nation and cause citizens to live needlessly in fear. One goal of terrorism is to cause a nation's citizens to live in fear and change their activities.

Short of God's mercy, the only protection Americans have is the Constitution, but only IF this remarkable document is faithfully interpreted and followed.

New types of warfare are being faced. Enemies are developing biological warfare tactics (spreading of deadly, infectious bacteria or viruses) by international air travel and other means. "Dirty" nuclear weapons can be easily, inexpensively manufactured. The electrical and communications network can be destroyed instantaneously by a low-altitude nuclear (EMP) detonation or by hackers working at computer keyboards thousands of miles away.

Jesus told us that the world would see wars and rumors of wars prior to His return. (See first Scripture, reproduced below). Again, though, note that He said, "Such things must happen, but the end is still to come" [my underlining for emphasis]. Global financial collapse could be the "tipping point" for the collapse of nations throughout the world. Our money is "fiat" currency (from the Latin fiat — "let it be done"). Fiat currency has value only because a government decrees it has value— "let it be done." The American dollar, for example, is fiat money. America is hopelessly in debt (many, many trillions of dollars in admitted and hidden debt). There is real question whether America's gold reserves actually exist. Efforts are successfully being made to weaken the American dollar through international monetary maneuvers. Americans continue to trade in dollars only through faith, because there is no other option for them. Financial collapse could occur suddenly. Is there a sinister connection of the world's banking system, a few extremely rich persons, and international leaders to plan a world war through financial collapse? Since we are not privy to the plans of these people, we can only guess what their diabolical goals may be.

IS THIS HOW AMERICA MAY END? Since most of this site's readers are Americans, I write this section primarily for Americans. Readers in other countries may face the same dangers, though.

What is the fate of America? Many authors have discussed the alarming future of the United States. I will mention only a few.
• Hal Lindsey may be best known for his book, The Late Great Planet Earth. For decades, Lindsey has stated that America's constitutional (representative democratic) government must fall before the Antichrist's dictatorship can rise. No nation resembling the United States can be found in Bible prophecy. (Some authors believe Babylon the Great, whose destruction is foretold in Revelation, chapter 18, may be America; but, other authors disagree.)
• More recently, Messianic Rabbi Jonathan Cahn has written The Harbinger. He makes a convincing case that ancient Israel and modern America share common paths of disobedience to God, arrogance, and ultimate destruction. See The Harbinger - Summary for main points of this book.

How may America be destroyed? If America is destroyed prior to the rise of the Antichrist, how may this occur?
Conventional warfare (twentieth century warfare) — landing on America's shores and massive land and air battles to gain a few miles of territory with each battle— certainly will not occur. America's military would defend America effectively. And, the governors would call in their national guards to augment the federal forces. And, each locale would also call in local law-enforcement officers. And, there are more than 300-million guns in the hands of private citizens. Any enemy would not be foolish enough to try to defeat America with conventional warfare. The next war will be short-lived and may not even cost the life of a single enemy combatant. Consider the two most likely scenarios— collapse of the economy or collapse of the electrical power grid:
(1) Collapse of the economy: America is hopelessly in debt. No serious person believes America can meet her trillions of dollars of indebtedness. But, this debt does not stop Washington politicans. America keeps borrowing and spending with abandon. At what point will America's credit be cut off? At what point will creditors demand payment of at least part of the debt? The American dollar is losing its status of the world's reserve currncy (with inevitable devaluation). China is working hard to promote its renminbi (the people's currency), to make the Chinese yuan more powerful than the American dollar. There are persistent rumors and concerns that America's gold reserves (Fort Knox, etc.) are myth, rather than fact. When America finally admits financial bankruptcy, imagine the civil unrest when multiple social welfare and benefits programs can no longer be honored.
(2) Collapse of the electrical grid: I believe this is the likeliest danger. The United States is completely dependent on electrical power (and the electronics utilizing electrical power). Without electricity, America would cease to exist as a modern nation. Americans would be thrown into a mid-nineteenth century (or earlier) existence, except that modern Americans do not have skills essential to exist in a pre-electricity world. With sudden loss of electricity, experts estimate that ninetty to ninety-five percent of Americans would be dead within six moths (starvation, disease, rioting, and so forth). There are three scenarios in which America's electrical power could be lost:
✔ Scenario 1: The sun is constantly involved with storms (sunspots). A solar storm may cause a coronal mass ejection (CME). A CME is a massive burst of gas and magnetic field arising from the solar corona released into the solar wind. If directed toward the earth, the CME may obliterate the electrical grid and electronic hardware. We have had several near misses recently. The earth experienced a severe CME in 1859 (see Carrington event). No one can predict the long-term possibility of another Carrington event, but tracks solar storms and other space events. You can sign up for adverse solar storm alerts.
✔ Scenario 2: The effect of a CME may be reproduced by an enemy. Nuclear devices release electromagnetic energy, when detonated. Electrical/ electronic circuits will be destroyed within line of sight of such a detonation. Because most weapons have been detonated near to the ground, this damage has been limited. If a weapon is fired above the ground, electrical and electronic circuits will be destroyed for hundreds of miles. Consider: an enemy of America launches an attack with an EMP device (EMP = electromagnetic pulse) from a submarine or cargo carrier in the Gulf of Mexico, with the nuclear warhead flying over Kansas at an altitude of 300 miles. Almost the entire United States (and neighboring southern Canada and northern Mexico) lose electrical and electronic circuitry. America has not prepared to replace the generators, transformers, power lines, and various computer boards. America without food, transportation, utilities, water, medical care, and so forth will revert to mob rule, and most Americans will die. A professor of history at Montreat College, Dr. William R. Forstchen, has written a fact-based novel about such an event, One Second After. North Korea has two orbiting satellites at 300 miles altitude which pass over the United States daily. Could these satellites carry nuclear warheads?
✔ Scenario 3: The same effects may be achieved by an enemy hacking into computers that control the electrical power grid. We know hackers find easy access into government and corporate computers. Have America's enemies (Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, etc.) already embedded software within the power grids? Such software, now lying dormant, could be activated at any time to cut off electricity. Ted Koppel— well-respected journalist, formerly anchor of "Nightline," and now analyst with National Public Radio and British Broadcasting Corporation— has written a book about this threat, Lights Out: A Cyberattack, A Nation Unprepared, Surviving the Aftermath.
✔ Question: Perhaps Jesus alluded to a blackout of electricity, radar, computers, and other intelligence gathering and assessing tools, when He warned (Luke 21:26): "... men's hearts failing them from fear and the expectation of those things which are coming on the earth, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken."

A good summary of ISIS (ISIL, IS, Daesh) is provided in a box at the end of a article.

Matthew 24:6-7: [Jesus said] "And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom...." COMMENT: Study these verses with a good English-Greek concordance. Jesus' words include conventional wars (nations against nations) as well as terrorism (people against people, people against nations).

Mark 13:7-8a: [Jesus said] "But when you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not be troubled; for such things must happen, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom...." COMMENT: Expect all peace initiatives to fail. Jesus said wars and rumors of war must happen before the end.
Luke 21:9-10: [Jesus said] "But when you hear of wars and commotions, do not be terrified; for these things must come to pass first, but the end will not come immediately." Then He said to them, "Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom." COMMENT: "Commotions," here, translates a word that can mean insurrections, riots, disorders.
Revelation 6:3-4: When [Jesus] opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature saying, "Come and see." Another horse, fiery red, went out. And it was granted to the one who sat on it to take peace from the earth, and that people should kill one another; and there was given to him a great sword. COMMENT: The "great sword" surely must be nuclear weaponry.

NEWSWATCH CHECKLIST. Watch for the following issues relative to this section:
✔ Unsolvable wars, rumors of wars, revolutions, and civil disobedience will increase and will dominate concerns of the world.
✔ Terrorism will increase. Effects of terrorism can include not only death and destruction, but also fear, change in life routines, and loss of personal freedoms.
✔ Warfare of the past— massed armies confronting each other on battlefields and war theaters— will be replaced by different warfare— missiles, drones, cyber warfare, terrorism (including "lone wolf" and isolated cell terrorism), unconventional weapons, and the like.
✔ Cyber warfare can be conducted at little expense by a hostile nation, but can inflict major damage on an attacked nation.
✔ Islamic fanatics will increase war against Jews, Christians, America, Europe, and others— attacking even Muslims who do not believe as they do ("apostates").
✔ ISIS (ISIL, Islamic State, Daesh) is of great concern. This fanatical, barbaric caliphate— if established in Syria, Iraq, and Jordan (possibly joining with Iran?) — may well be the rebirth of ancient Babylon, which is prominent in end-time prophecies.

SEE List of Ismalic Terrorist Attacks by year, region, and casualties, beginning in 2001 (the page shown in this link) and continuing in subsequent pages (links) until the present time. The "religion of peace" applies only to Dar al-Islam (the House of Islam), but not to Dar al-Harb (the House of War). Jews, Christians, and other non-Muslims (and even apostates, Muslims who do not worship Allah appropriately) are hated by Islamic jihadis and are subject to execution to appease Allah. Can a true jihadi accept a world, until all persons live in Dar al-Islam?

  • Of interest to Americans: The Oath Keepers' Declaration of Orders We Will Not Obey (03 Mar 2009)
    NOTE: A growing number of Americans fear martial law in response to an attack or false flag* attack on American soil. [*False flag = covert military/ paramilitary operation designed to deceive a population into believing the operation has been carried out by an enemy, rather than the lawful government in disguise.] Is the federal government becoming more totalitarian? Is the federal government quietly moving to abolish or restrict citizen protections afforded by the Bill of Rights? If full or partial martial law is declared, will there be citizen resistance, and, if so, to what degree? The Oath Keepers pledge is summarized, as follows:
    1. We will NOT obey orders to disarm the American people.
    2. We will NOT obey orders to conduct warrantless searches of the American people.
    3. We will NOT obey orders to detain American citizens as "unlawful enemy combatants" or to subject them to military tribunal.
    4. We will NOT obey orders to impose martial law or a "state of emergency" on a state.
    5. We will NOT obey orders to invade and subjugate any state that asserts its sovereignty.
    6. We will NOT obey any order to blockade American cities, thus turning them into giant concentration camps.
    7. We will NOT obey any order to force American citizens into any form of detention camps under any pretext.
    8. We will NOT obey orders to assist or support the use of any foreign troops on U.S. soil against the American people to "keep the peace" or to "maintain control."
    9. We will NOT obey any orders to confiscate the property of the American people, including food and other essential supplies.
    10. We will NOT obey any orders which infringe on the right of the people to free speech, to peaceably assemble, and to petition their government for a redress of grievances.
  • Many regions are presently in chaotic disarray, wars, and instability. There are too many uprisings to list them all in this Website. Several factors are or may be in play. For religious reasons, militant Muslims strive to create global chaos and war to hasten the appearance of the Twelfth Imam, Imam al-Mahdi (usually simply called "the Mahdi"). For political reasons, outside socialist/ Marxist agitators and terrorist leaders strive to organize Islamic masses into controllable groups (most recently, ISIS' caliphate). The United States' government has its "head in the sand," praising the wonder of "democracy" arising in these nations. "Democracy," as in the United States' constitutional republic model, is a concept based on Judeo-Christian principles and Western philosophy and culture, but is an alien, probably unworkable concept for Islamic nations. These nations prefer Sharia. "Democracy," if directed in the wrong direction and imposed on an unprepared people, can be harmful and doomed to failure. A commonly quoted example of democracy with bad outcome is two foxes and one chicken, meeting to discuss what to have for dinner.
  • We are witnessing end-time prophecy fulfilled before our eyes:
    • Read Psalm 83— an ancient prophecy about Israel's neighbors turning against her with the goal of destruction of the Jewish nation.
    • Read Ezekiel, chapters 36 and 37— God's call of His people Israel from all corners of the world to re-populate the Covenant Land of Israel and His solemn promise that the reborn nation would never again be divided or ruled by "two kings." This prophecy began fulfillment as Jews were called out of the Diaspora and began an aliyah, by returning home to Israel. This return began in May, 1948 and continues. The Two-State Solution— promoted by the Quartet of Nations (United States, Russia, European Union, and United Nations) — is in direct defiance of God's promise to a reborn Israel.
    • Read Ezekiel, chapters 38 and 39— enemy nations which will come against Israel in the War of Gog and Magog. Russia, with Iran and other Islamic confederates, are forming strong alliances, foster deep anti-Semitic prejudices, and are heavily armed. At the same time, remaining nations (those not directly coming against Israel) are deserting Israel.
    • Read Zechariah, chapter 12— God's stern warning that He will destroy any nation which tries to divide the land of Israel and Jerusalem in the last days. Again, this plan of division, prohibited by God, is the Two-State Solution, promoted by the Quartet of Nations— the United States, the United Nations, the European Union, and Russia.
    • Read Revelation, chapters 6 through 18, for a description of the Tribulation, a time when wars will rage throughout the earth, including involvement of the 200-million man army of the East (China and confedrates) to attack the world's armies at Armageddon (read Revelation 9:13-21).
  • THE GOOD NEWS IN THE BAD NEWS: Israel is "the Little Satan" in Muslim rhetoric. A weakened, ineffective United States is becoming less relevant in world affairs. America is neither feared by her enemies nor respected by her friends. No nation resembling the United States is mentioned in end-time prophecy. Recent best sellers by Rabbi Jonathan Cahn— The Harbinger and The Mystery of the Shemitah— provide convincing evidence that God's judgment of America began on 9/11 (September 11, 2001) and may be soon completed. There is good news, though. God has known that all of these events would happen since He created the world, and He is still in control. Jesus will return soon, and the followers of the Christ will ultimately win. A Christian's true home is in New Jerusalem (Heaven), not in America or any other nation on earth. Maranatha!
  • See a CHART of major Middle East allies and enemies.

Click on underlined title to read details.


BACKGROUND: All end-of-the-age prophecy revolves around:
(1) God's Covenant people (the Jews), God's Covenant Land (Israel), and God's Holy City (Jerusalem), at a time when the Jews occupy Israel (after return from dispersal among the nations); and
(2) The way the world's nations treat the Jews.

Many important Bible prophecies have been fulfilled since May, 1948, including:
• The return of Jews from nearly 1,900 years of exile, a time known as the "Diaspora;"
• The re-birth of a Jewish nation under the name "Israel," with Hebrew language and Jewish religious practices intact or re-established;
• The return to Israel of sons and daughters of Zion from the nations of the world; and
• Intense hatred of the Jews (anti-Semitism) by all nations and peoples of the world.

After the 1948 re-establishment of Israel, God promised to provide victory for Israel against all future enemy attacks. Israel is now under Divine protection. All of her enemies will eventually be destroyed, although the tiny nation must endure tremendous trials.

The return of exiled Jews to Israel fulfills multiple prophecies. The intense hatred of the Jewish nation in the last days sets the stage for great wars against Israel, with God— and God only— rescuing Israel from "certain" defeat.

REPRESENTATIVE SCRIPTURES: Genesis 12:2-3: [The LORD speaking to Abram, who would be re-named Abraham, said] "I will make you a great nation; I will bless you and make your name great; and you shall be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you; and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed."
EXPLANATION: This promised great nation, rising as sons of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, are the Jews. After the lifetime of Jesus, His followers— Christians— were grafted into God's "olive tree" (Israel). See a God's Two Olive Trees e-newsletter I wrote, archived elsewhere in this Website. Click back arrow to return to this Web page.

Only Jews and Christians can be accepted into fellowship with God. Only Jews and Christians have a right to own Jerusalem and Israel. Others who claim Israel and Jerusalem, e.g., Muslims, have a counterfeit claim. The Arabs' inheritance is land to the east of Israel, i.e., the Arabian Peninsula (see Genesis 16:7-15; 17:20-21; and 21:17-21). The Arabs' gift from God is not His Covenant relationship, but His grace for salvation— a gift available to every person in the world. Jesus of the Holy Bible is not the same as the Prophet Isa of the Koran. Jehovah of the Holy Bible is not the same as Allah of the Koran. Do not be confused by apostate "Christians" who vainly try to make Christian and Koranic teachings equal. Such "equality" is akin to arguing that dogs and cats are equal because they both have fur.

Amos 9:11-15: "On that day I will raise up the tabernacle of David, which has fallen down, and repair its damages; I will raise up its ruins, and rebuild it as in the days of old; that they may possess the remnant of Edom, and all the Gentiles who are called by My name," says the LORD who does this thing. "Behold, the days are coming," says the LORD, "when the plowman shall overtake the reaper, and the treader of grapes him who sows seed; the mountains shall drip with sweet wine, and all the hills shall flow with it. I will bring back the captives of My people Israel; they shall build the waste cities and inhabit them; they shall plant vineyards and drink wine from them; they shall also make gardens and eat fruit from them. I will plant them in their land, and no longer shall they be pulled up from the land I have given them," says the LORD your God.
EXPLANATION: Prior to 1948, present-day Israel was a sparsely populated, impoverished, unproductive wasteland. Since the Jews' return in May, 1948, the land has become a vibrant, productive, modern, democratic country by the grace of God and in fulfillment of His promise to the Jews.
Zechariah 12:2-4, 6: "Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of drunkenness to all the surrounding peoples, when they lay siege against Judah and Jerusalem. And it shall happen in that day that I will make Jerusalem a very heavy stone for all peoples; all who would heave it away will surely be cut in pieces, though all nations of the earth are gathered against it. In that day," says the LORD, "I will strike every horse with confusion, and its rider with madness; I will open My eyes on the house of Judah, and will strike every horse of the peoples with blindness. |...| In that day I will make the governors of Judah like a firepan in the woodpile, and like a fiery torch in the sheaves; they shall devour all the surrounding peoples on the right hand and on the left, but Jerusalem shall be inhabited again in her own place— Jerusalem."
EXPLANATION: God will not permit Israel to be defeated in battle after the Jews' final return to the Covenant land (which happened in 1948). Nations of the world will turn against Israel and hate the Jews, but they cannot— they will not— defeat Israel because an all-powerful God will defend the Jews and defeat providentially all of the Jews' enemies!
Psalm 83:2-8: For behold, Your [God's] enemies make a tumult; and those who hate You have lifted up their head. They have taken crafty counsel against Your people, and consulted together against Your sheltered ones. They have said, "Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation, that the name of Israel may be remembered no more." For they have consulted together with one consent; they form a confederacy against You: The tents of Edom and the Ishmaelites; Moab and the Hagrites; Gebal, Ammon, and Amalek; Philistia with the inhabitants of Tyre; Assyria also has joined with them; they have helped the children of Lot.
EXPLANATION: This list of ancient peoples is the same list of Arab/Muslim nations now fanatically desiring to push the Jews into the Mediterranean Sea, that the nation of Israel will never exist again.

Ancient place names in which these enemies of Israel lived (live) and modern equivalents are:
Edom: ancient Palestine between the Dead Sea and the Gulf of Aqaba— Edomites were descendants of Esau, twin brother of Jacob (Israel);
Ishmaelites: Arabian Peninsula— Ishmaelites were descendants of Ishmael, son of Abraham and Hagar;
Moab: land east of the Dead Sea in present-day southwest Jordan— Moabites were descendants of Lot and his daughter;
Hagrites: similar to Ishmaelites (see above), Hagrites lived in desert land east and south of ancient Palestine (Israel)— Hagrites were descendants of Ishmael, son of Abraham and Hagar;
Gebal: mountainous land of Edom (see above) south of the Dead Sea, now called Djebal;
Ammon: an ancient kingdom east of the Jordan River in present-day northwest Jordan; its capital, Rabbath-Ammon, was on the site of present-day Amman, Jordan; the Ammonites were descendants of Lot and his daughter;
Amalek: Amalek, Esau's grandson, gave rise to Israel's perpetual enemy, the Amalekites, an ancient nomadic people in Canaan and the Sinai Peninsula;
Philistia: ancient land in southwestern Palestine along the important Egypt-Syria trade route— its people were the Philistines, long-standing enemies of the Israelites;
Tyre: ancient Phoenician city on the eastern Mediterranean Sea in present-day southern Lebanon; and
Assyria: an ancient Asian civilization, which included much of the land between the rivers Euphrates and Tigris, and as far south as the Persian Gulf.

Many believe this psalm prophesies the first of end-time wars. This war is often called "The Psalm 83 War" or "The Inner Circle War." Some even suggest this war may have already started with Israel's neighbors waging war against her.
Ezekiel, chapter 37: SUMMARY: The LORD gave Ezekiel a vision: He saw a valley littered with many dry bones. The LORD said He would restore the bones. They were joined together and were covered with flesh, appearing as men and women, but they did not breathe. Then, breath came to them from the "four winds," and the assembled forms had the breath of life. The LORD said that these bones depicted the whole house of Israel. The LORD promised to bring His people back to the land of Israel. Ezekiel was then told to take two sticks of wood, writing "Belonging to Judah and the Israelites associated with him" on one and "Ephraim's stick belonging to Joseph and all of the house of Israel associated with him" on the other. Ezekiel was told to unite the two sticks into one because they would never again be divided. Then, "David" will be King over them and they will follow God's laws.
COMMENT: This important prophecy, written nearly 2,600 years ago, surely was written for our time. In AD 70, Roman legions defeated the Jewish people, destroyed their Second Temple, and either slaughtered the Jews or carried them into captivity (first in Rome and, then, throughout the world with the collapse of Rome). This worldwide dispersal, covering nearly a nineteen-century period, is known as "the Diaspora." The Jews remained dispersed until May, 1948, when they returned to re-establish Israel (the dry bones becoming flesh). Since 1948, the Jews have re-built Israel under one government (the two sticks joined as one in Ezekiel's vision), and God has promised they never again will be defeated. Jews from all parts of the world (the breath from the four winds— the four cardinal points of the world in Ezekiel's vision) have come to Israel. Rule under "David" will not occur until the Millennial Kingdom, when Jesus Christ will rule the world and all nations will know and worship God. (Jesus was from the House of David— see Jesus' genealogy in the Gospels— and was sometimes called "Son of David.")
Deuteronomy 30:1-5, 7: [Moses spoke to Israel] "Now it shall come to pass, when all these things come upon you, the blessing and the curse which I have set before you, and you call them to mind among all the nations where the LORD your God drives you, and you return to the LORD your God and obey His voice, according to all that I command you today, you and your children, with all your heart and with all your soul, that the LORD your God will bring you back from captivity, and have compassion on you, and gather you again from all the nations where the LORD your God has scattered you. If any of you are driven out to the farthest parts under heaven, from there the LORD your God will gather you, and from there He will bring you. Then the LORD your God will bring you to the land which your fathers possessed, and you shall possess it. He will prosper you and multiply you more than your fathers. |...| Also the LORD your God will put all these curses on your enemies and on those who hate you, who persecuted you."

SUMMARY: As present-day events spiral out of control, one country (Israel) and one people (the Jews) are and will remain at the center of the world's turmoil— exactly as foretold in The Holy Bible by the writings of prophets thousands of years ago.

The descendants of two sons of Abraham— Isaac and Ishmael— will continue contending for the land given by God to Abraham and his son Isaac. As The Holy Bible clearly states:
• God gave the Jews (see Genesis) and the Christians (see Romans) the land of Israel, made Jerusalem His Holy City, and gave the Jews His eternal blessing.
• God gave the land east of Israel— including the Arabian Peninsula— to the descendants of Ishmael (the Arabs), Lot (the Moabites and Ammonites), and Esau (the Edomites).
• The important blessing God extended to Ishmaelites and their cousins (Arabs, or centuries later, the Muslims) is His grace, that they may convert from Islam to Christianity and receive eternal life in Heaven. God's grace is available to every person in the world.

The descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (the Jews) are the rightful heirs of the Covenant land (Israel) and God's Holy City in that Land (Jerusalem). This inheritance continues through David and Jesus Christ, so that engrafted, or "adopted," Jews (Christians) — the "wild branches" in Paul's explanation of God's olive tree (see Romans 11:15-29, 32) — are also the rightful heirs of the Covenant Land and Jerusalem.

The descendants of Abraham and Hagar, Ishmael, Esau, Lot, and the sons of Abraham and Keturah— present-day Muslims— are not the heirs of Israel and Jerusalem.

The Holy Bible clearly informs that the struggle between Jews and Christians and their enemies will increase dramatically prior to the return of the Messiah; that the conflict between followers of the God of Israel (Jehovah for Jews and Christians) and other gods (Allah for the Muslims and secular humanism for others) will take peace from the earth; and that mankind will not achieve lasting peace until the return (the Second Coming) of Jesus the Messiah.

Expect wars, rumors of wars, and violence to continue in the Middle East and elsewhere until the Lord Jesus Christ returns to bind Satan and stop the warring nature of man. Expect Jews to continue coming home to Israel from all parts of the world to fulfill prophecy of an Aliyah (Aliyah = "rising up [to go home]") of Jews in the last days.


+ The Mitchell Report (April 30, 2001)... Sharm el-Sheikh Fact-finding Committee Final Report.
+ The Tenet Plan (June 13, 2001)... The Tenet Plan: Israeli-Palestinian Ceasefire and Security Plan, Proposed by CIA Director George Tenet.
+ The Wye River Memorandum
+ UNISPAL... United Nations Information Site on the Question of Palestine.
+ The Palestinian National Charter
+ Peace in the Middle East: Senate floor statement by U.S. Senator James M. Inhofe (R-Oklahoma), March 4, 2002
+ Zola Levitt Ministries: The History of Israel in a Nutshell
+ The Search for Peace (The United States of America Embassy in Israel)
+ U.S. State Department: Middle East Peace Process
+ The Peace Process Reference Documents
+ CAMERA Media Report (The Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America
+ Israel's Timeline
+ The Bible promises that the Jews will rebuild the Third Temple. The Western Wall is the only part of the Second Temple which remains at the present time. See preparations of THE TEMPLE INSTITUTE for the building of the Third Temple. Spend some time on the various pages of this fascinating, informative site to see the beautiful articles being fashioned to welcome the Messiah.

WISDOM AND TRUTH IN TWO SENTENCES: "If the Arabs put down their weapons today, there would be no more violence. If the Jews put down their weapons today, there would be no more Israel." Quotation attributed to Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

• The population of Israel (Jews and non-Jews) is approximately 8.4-million persons (2015 estimate).
• The population of the United States exceeds 320-million persons (2015 estimate).
• For every one Israeli, there are approximately 38 Americans (320 / 8.4 ≅ 38). An American should multiply each Israeli death by 38 to appreciate the equivalent loss of life in the United States. For example, if a homicide bomber "only" kills 30 innocent Jewish civilians in Israel, it would be the equivalent to 1,140 innocent Americans killed by a terrorist (38 x 30 = 1,140). If Israel's government should advise the American government to show restraint and merely accept these 1,140 civilian deaths in the interest of "peace," the American government, news media, and civilians would be outraged by Israel's callous meddling. By what right, then, does any American insist that the Israeli government show restraint and not retaliate against Islamic terrorists? Americans would demand that the U.S. government stop such terrorism and carnage of civilians on American soil by any means possible. Too often in politically correct America, such attitudes are pervasive. Make no mistake: such attitudes reflect anti-Semitism in disguise among some mainstream media pundits and elected officials.
• Taking this situation an additional step, suppose that America's neighbor, Canada, determines that Canadians hate America and all Americans. Canada vows to eliminate the American scourge from the face of the earth ("that America's name no longer be remembered," to paraphrase Psalm 83:4). Enlisting the aid of nuclear powers hostile to America, the Canadians build multiple nuclear power plants, produce a stockpile of enriched (weapons-grade) uranium, and purchase ballistic missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads to any American city. And, Canada enlists support from the United Nations' Security Council. Would the American government, media, and citizens be alarmed? Would they demand pre-emptive strike on Canada's nuclear facilities? But, wait, America should not be alarmed: our ally, Israel, demands we permit Canada to build a cache of nuclear arms. In fairness, should not Canada be allowed to become a nuclear power like other countries? And, Prime Minister Netanyahu is confident that he can negotiate peace with the Canadians because he is "cool" (an attribute of former President Obama). Furthermore, it is not Canada's hatred of America that is driving their warlike intentions, by the way. It is climate change (because we all know climate change is the most important threat the world has ever faced, according to many elected officials). Would America stand down and hope peace will miraculously break out (in time for the next election cycle)? And, Canada starts building tunnels to infiltrate America (as was done/ is being done by Islamic terrorists) and launches multiple rockets to bomb American cities, should America accept such attacks in the name of peace? Of course not. America demands of Israel such terms of "peace" — terms that ignore Iran's nuclear weapons buildup. America herself would not accept such terms, but we demand Israel accept the terms. We are witnessing the last days unfold before our eyes! We are presently witnessing foolhardy diplomacy, as was practiced by naive British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain upon returning from a meeting with Hitler and agreeing to the sham Munich Agreement, proudly proclaimimg (September 30, 1938): "I believe it is peace for our time." Hitler had no intention of "peace" in 1938. Islamic terrorists have no intention of peace now. Iran has no intention of peace now. To these Muslim nations, "peace" will involve annihilation of their enemies.

THE ABSURDITY OF THE AMERICAN GOVERNMENT'S DEMANDS: In addition to shameful neglect of Iran's nuclear ambitions, the Obama administration pressured Israel not to build in eastern Israel and Jerusalem, fully expecting this land and city to be given to "Palestinian" insurgents. Consider an alternative demand: Suppose Mexico, wanting return of the southwestern United States to Mexico (which was annexed by force), befriends a foreign power (China, for example). What would America's reaction be to Chinese demands that building and settlement in Dallas, Houston, and other Texas cities cease, pending the soon return of Texas and other southwestern land to Mexico? In truth, Mexico's claim to the southwestern United States has far more validity than "Palestine's" claim to Israel.

AMERICA'S DANGEROUS FOREIGN POLICY: The United States has joined other nations (the United Nations, the European Union, and Russia) in demanding that Israel accept the Two-State Solution. This "solution" would:
• Divide Israel into two nations and Jerusalem into two capitals— the western part for Israel and the eastern part for "Palestine."
• Reward thuggery of Arab terrorists against an established democratic nation (America's only true ally in this troubled part of the world).

More tragically, this "solution" is directly contrary to Biblical commandments. Ancient prophecies foretold the anti-Semitism of Israel's neighbors, as they sought to have the name of Israel be remembered no more (see Psalm 83). God promised that He would return the sons and daughters of Zion to Israel in the last days, and they would forever be one nation under one "king" (government), never again to be divided and ruled by "other kings" — other governments (see Ezekiel 37:21-28). God foretold that Jerusalem would be the focal point of strife in the last days, but that He would destroy any nation that tried to divide Jerusalem and Israel (see Zechariah 12:2-3, 9). In the previous executive administration, President Obama bowed to Muslim dictators and other leaders, but showed contempt for Israeli prime minister Netanyahu. Recall that anything resembling America is absent in end-time prophecy. The only hint of America I can find in Scriptures is in Ezekiel 38:13. Here, the "young lions" of Tarshish stand back and debate (United Nations?) the unprovoked, surprise invasion of Israel by Magog (Russia) and her Muslim confederates of Persia (Iran) and other nations (see Ezekiel, chapters 38 and 39). "Tarshish" is of uncertain location. Some researchers believe Tarshish may be Spain (or even England?). If so, the Americas were mostly explored and settled by "Tarshish," and are obviously younger ("young lions") than their parent countries. Are New World colonies Tarshish's "young lions?" Hal Lindsey has taught for years that the United States must fall in order that the Antichrist's government may rise to prominence. Is America's changing attitude toward Israel fulfilling God's promise of a curse against any person who (any nation which) curses His people Israel (see Genesis 12:3a)? Is America "cursed" (awaiting God's judgment) because of our attitudes toward Israel in favor of Israel's enemies? Read Jonathan Cahn's The Harbinger, based on an Isaiah 9:10 prophecy, as he draws a chilling comparison between ancient Israel and modern America, with America's protection being removed on September 11, 2001 (9/11).

PRAY FOR Jews, Jerusalem, and Israel. Click back arrow to return to this Web page.

NEWSWATCH CHECKLIST. Watch for the following issues relative to this section:
✔ Irrational hatred of Israel will increase. All nations will desert and oppose this little nation.
✔ Irrational anti-Semitism (hatred of Jewish people) will increase.
✔ International pressures will mount to divide Israel and Jerusalem and to give the eastern parts to "Palestine."
✔ Hated, deserted Israel will stand alone, with only the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob coming to her defense. He alone will defend Israel against her enemies for a purpose (see Ezekiel 39:7).
✔ The atheistic, anti-Semitic, pro-Islamic United Nations— "all nations" in prophecy and the forerunner of the Antichrist's one-world government— will continue to try to dismantle Israel at every turn.
✔ God will judge the nations which abandon Israel (see Parable of the Sheep and Goats, Matthew 25:31-46).

Click on underlined title to read details.

IMPORTANT FOR YOUR UNDERSTANDING: America has been one of Israel's strongest, most dependable allies. Washington's attitude toward Israel definitely changed during the Obama administration. Why? See Obama's own words about Islam and his faith. Decide for yourself what Obama's words mean, and the consequences for Israel and America. It seems President Trump may have a more pro-Israel administration.
See also: Obama 'star' of Palestinian ad (7 Sep 2011)
See also: Live— Streaming Telecast of Western Wall in Jerusalem (, no date... live telecast)

Move cursor over headline to pause stream; click headline to read article.



BACKGROUND: [COMMENT: Some prophecy students believe that the Antichrist may come from the European Union (EU) — the revived Roman Empire. With the Brexit vote and other EU nations threatening to follow Great Britain, the EU may be severely weakened. Other prophecy students believe that the "ten kings" — and, the Antichrist— may come from the ten world regions proposed by the Club of Rome, United Nations, and others. The Antichrist could come from the revived Roman Empire, as many think, because the former Roman Empire encompassed predominantly Christian land in Europe as well as Muslim land in the Middle East and northern Africa. Others belive he could come from a Middle Eastern origin— a Muslim? a Jew? Scriptures state that he will be revealed, which hints a mystery unknowable by students of prophecy.]

The Jewish prophet Daniel was the slave of King Nebuchadnezzar in Babylon. The king had a troubling dream about a magnificent statue. With God's guidance, Daniel was the only one who could interpret the dream. This interpretation is found in Daniel, chapter 2. Even though the Book of Daniel was written more than 2,500 years ago, the prophetic interpretation of the dream has been inerrant in predicting great empires that would affect Jews from Daniel's time to the present. Why would there be any reason to believe that the remaining portion of the prophecy will not be fulfilled in our future?

The statue's parts represented successive kingdoms:
• Head of gold: Babylonian Empire (the dominant empire in Daniel's time) 1
• Chest and arms of silver: Medo-Persian Empire 1
• Belly and thighs of bronze: Grecian Empire (Greece) 1
• Legs of iron: Roman Empire (Rome) OR Judeo-Christianity and Islam 1 & 2
• Feet of mixed clay and iron: revived Roman Empire (European Union)2 OR Judeo-Christianity and Islam 2
• Toes: Antichrist's "kingdom." 3
— — — — —

1 Prophecy fulfilled in the past.
2 Prophecy being fulfilled at the present time.
3 Prophecy to be fulfilled in the future (during the Tribulation).

Prophecy scholars interpret the two legs of iron differently:
Interpretation 1: Some feel the legs represent the Roman Empire, with a western division (Rome) and an eastern division (Constantinople, or Istanbul).
Interpretation 2: Others feel the legs represent the Judeo-Christian faith in the west and the Islamic faith in the east.

John envisioned a similar scenario in Revelation, chapter 17.

Nebuchadnezzar's dream continued. The legs of iron continued into feet made of iron and clay. These feet represent either the European Union (EU) — interpretation 1, above, or global governments, interpretation 2, above. End-time governments will be a mixture of strong nations (iron) and weak nations (clay). Iron and clay do not mix well together, just as strong and weak nations in any international confederacy do not mix well together. We are now at this point in history.

The toes on the statue's feet, representing the ten divisions of the world's nations, comprise the Antichrist's government. This portion of the dream will not be fulfilled until the Tribulation. The Club of Rome, based in Switzerland and composed of an unelected (self-appointed), elitist group of environmentalists and social engineers, has divided the world into ten regional divisions as the beginning of a plan to limit population growth and energy use (that is, to save us from ourselves and create a future world to their liking). SEE MAP of the Club of Rome's divided world. Could this Club of Rome plan represent the ten toes of Nebuchadnezzar's statue?

Nebuchadnezzar's dream continued. A Stone cut out of a Mountain without hands will crush the toes. (Know that a mountain represents a kingdom in prophecy.) Daniel's prophetic Mountain is God. The Stone is Jesus, and this part of the dream prophesied the immaculate conception of Jesus (coming from God the Father without a human father). This Stone (Jesus) will crush the only part of the statue in existence at Jesus' appearance at the end of the Tribulation— the toes, representing the Antichrist's government, all other kingdoms (governments) having faded from existence. Then, the statue will collapse— no more governments of man will ever exist. This crushing of the Antichrist will be at Jesus' Second Coming (at the Battle of Armageddon). The Rock (Jesus), then, will become a Mountain covering the entire earth, representing Jesus' rule during the Millennial Kingdom. NOTE: This Rock, and other Scriptural references to this Rock, form the basis upon which the Christian Church is founded. Many erroneously interpret Matthew 16:16-18 as having Jesus establish the Christian Church on the Apostle Simon bar Jonah (nicknamed Cephas [Aramaic] for "stone" or Petros [Greek] for "stone, small rock"], but review of all Scriptures indicate that Jesus established His church on Himself (petra [Greek] for "bedrock, large rocky structure"), not Peter (Petros Greek for "stone"). People of faith can honor the Apostle Peter's contribution to the early church without re-writing Scriptures to accommodate their theological assumptions that Peter was the first pope and Jesus' Church was built on Peter.

Fulfillment of the final part of Daniel's prophetic interpretation began in 1948— the year Jews were allowed to return to Zion to re-establish Israel after nineteen centuries of dispersion into other countries (the Diaspora) and the same year that dozens of other end-of-the-age prophecies were fulfilled! European countries were war-weary (two world wars had been fought on their continent in three decades), and they were frightened that they were sandwiched between two nuclear powers (USA and United Kingdom to the west, USSR to the east). Three small countries— Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg— formed the Benelux Federation, which now has grown into a multi-national alliance of nations, the European Union (EU).

The EU now occupies much of the land formerly occupied by the Roman Empire. Most of the EU has a single monetary system (currency) — the euro ( € ) — which is the first time this has happened since the collapse of the Roman Empire many centuries ago. The EU is building armed forces, but may rely heavily on the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in the future. The EU is actively engaged in international affairs, and seeks to replace American diplomacy and influence. The EU was growing economically stronger, but recent events have dampened European prosperity some.

NOTE 1: The EU is presently experiencing significant economic problems, as socialist nations always experience. Debt and poor economies have caused financial difficulties in at least the "PIIGS" nations (Portual, Italy, Ireland, Greece, and Spain) — (which represent the weak nations, the clay in the statue's feet), and have caused strong nations of Germany and France, (which represent the iron in the statue's feet) to bail out their economies. No one knows the future economic condition of the EU. Will the EU recover? Will the EU collapse, along with the economies of other nations, including the USA?

NOTE 2: Some prophecy students believe the Antichrist will be a Middle Easterner (Muslim? Jew?). The above scenario is not negated by this interpretation. The Roman Empire extended through some present Islamic nations and Israel. SEE maps of the Roman Empire in AD 8, 47,and 117. The CE (CE = "Common Era") designation in these maps is the scholarly (Christ-minimizing, Christ-replacing) substitution for AD (AD = Anno Domini = "Year of the Lord").

In addition to the preceding trappings of a world superpower, two other events are shaping the future EU:
• Once strongly or nominally Christian nations are becoming apostate, secular, and Islamic. Worship of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and His Son, Jesus, is irrelevant for many Europeans. Many European churches would be closed today, except that they remain favorite tourist attractions. In Europe, secular humanism has largely replaced Christianity. Islam is rapidly overtaking Christianity.
• Many European nations are gripped with anti-Semitism. Jews have long been hated in many parts of Europe (example: the Jewish Holocaust in Germany in the 1930s and 1940s), and many EU countries now are intensely anti-Semitic. EU policies favor "Palestine" and the Arabs over Israel and the Jews.

The situation thus described sets the stage for the Tribulation. A powerful people— with great military, technical, and economic might, not guided by the words of God and antagonistic toward Jews— (whether the EU or another world power) will be led by a charismatic man, the Antichrist, to make war against God's people.

The European Union has fallen on hard times. A great threat is the stated goal for Islamization of Europe, and Islamization is rapidly occurring in many European countries. Muslims are dramatically re-shaping the culture and religion of Europe. Only God knows how long the E.U. will stand.

REPRESENTATIVE SCRIPTURES: (Daniel 2:41-43): [Daniel said] "Just as you [Nebuchadnezzar] saw that the feet and toes were partly of baked clay and partly of iron, so this will be a divided kingdom; yet it will have some of the strength of iron in it, even as you saw iron mixed with clay. As the toes were partly iron and partly clay, so this kingdom will be partly strong and partly brittle. And just as you saw the iron mixed with baked clay, so the people will be a mixture and will not remain united, any more than iron mixes with clay."
COMMENT: Daniel in later life had other visions, foretelling more precisely the nature of the empires portrayed in Nebuchadnezzar's dream (see Daniel 7:1-28; 8:1-27; 9:20-27; 11:36-45).

+ Web Site of the European Union
+ Europa Rising (Chuck Missler):
**** Part I
**** Part II
**** Part III
**** Part IV

NEWSWATCH CHECKLIST. Watch for the following issues relative to this section:
✔ The European Union (EU) will continue as a mixture of strong and weak nations (see Daniel 2:33-35).
✔ Once-Christian Europe will increasingly become secular and Islamic (see multiple Scriptures about apostasy in the last days).
✔ The EU will worship the god of money and show little interest in worshiping God (see Matthew 6:24).
✔ The EU may become a confederation of collapsing nations. (First, Brexit [United Kingdom voting to leave the EU], with possibly other nations to follow.)

Click on underlined title to read details.


The Unholy Trinity: Satan, Antichrist, and False Prophet

BACKGROUND: Since Satan's expulsion from Heaven, he has been and remains God's enemy. The angels who fell with him (demons) have tried to defeat God's plans and God's people. This battle between the good of God and the evil of Satan will intensify as Satan's time grows short. The evil of Satan will become especially intense and wicked during the Tribulation. (Two theories exist: Pre-tribulation rapture/ resurrection: The Tribulation is a seven-year period beginning after the Rapture/ Resurrection and immediately prior to the Second Coming of Jesus. Mid-tribulation rapture/ resurrection: The Rapture/ Resurrection occurs during the mid-portion of the Tribulation, leaving the greatest horrors for the last three and one-half years.) I favor the pre-Tribulation theory. There are other theories which seem nonsensical to me, and I will not bother the reader with these theories.

There will arise a man, the Antichrist, who will promote Satan's kingdom during the Tribulation. He will be aided by the False Prophet (an apostate Christian? apostate Jew? other?), who will fashion a new religion to worship the Antichrist and Satan.

Some scholars believe the Antichrist will arise from the European Union (the revived Roman Empire). Others believe he will be a Midddle Easterner (apostate Muslim? apostate Jew?). The Roman Empire covered many present-day nations, including Great Britain, western Europe, Mediterranean nations, and the western part of the Middle East, extending to Egypt. Again, SEE maps of the Roman Empire in AD 8, 47, and 117. The CE (Common Era) designation in these maps is an attempt to replace the Christ in the calendar. Those of us not ashamed of Jesus use AD (AD = Anno Domini = Year of the Lord, rather than CE).

The Antichrist certainly will do Satan's bidding, as Satan attempts to establish an earthly kingdom to thwart Jesus' return. Every plan of Satan (through the Antichrist) will be an evil counterfeit of God's plan. Thus, in his kingdom— a counterfeit imitation of God's Kingdom in Heaven— Satan will establish an unholy trinity, a blasphemous imitation of the Holy Trinity. The Unholy Trinity will be composed of Satan, who will attempt to replace God the Father; the Antichrist, who will attempt to replace Jesus the Christ; and the False Prophet, who will attempt to replace the Holy Spirit. The Antichrist will be the First Seal Judgment of the Tribulation, described in Revelation (see Revelation 6:1-2) as the rider on the white horse. The Antichrist will come to world prominence when he affirms a false peace pact between Israel and her Middle Eastern enemies. At heart, he will be a man of war, and this false peace pact will be short-lived. The Antichrist will march into Israel and defile the third Jewish Temple (as did his prototype, Antiochus IV Epiphanes in 167 BC). The influence of the Antichrist will be widespread throughout the world, as he works to establish a one-world (global) government, a one-world cashless financial system, and a one-world sham religion. Not all of the world will follow him, though. Anything at the present time which attempts to unify the world in government, finance (economy), or religion may serve to prepare the minds and hearts of people to accept the ultimate global power scheme of the Antichrist during the Tribulation. Watch for the "spirit of the Antichrist" to usher in the actual Antichrist. Jesus warned us to not be deceived by and follow false christs (see Matthew 24:4-5; Mark 13:5-6; and Luke 21:8).

In The Holy Bible, the Antichrist is given several descriptive names, following. Only in John's first epistle is he called "the Antichrist."
• Satan's seed (see Genesis 3:15);
• The king of Babylon (see Isaiah 14:4);
• The ruler of Tyrus (see Ezekiel 28:2-19);
• The little horn— "another horn, a little one" (see Daniel 7:8);
• A stern-faced king, a master of intrigue (see Daniel 8:23-25);
• The prince who shall come (see Daniel 9:26);
• The willful king (see Daniel 11:36);
• The Assyrian (see Isaiah 10:24);
• The destroyer, the oppressor, the aggressor (see Isaiah 16:4);
• The worthless shepherd (see Zechariah 11:16-17);
• The one who comes in his own name (see John 5:43);
• The man of lawlessness (see 2 Thessalonians 2:3);
• The man doomed to destruction (see 2 Thessalonians 2:3);
• The man of lawlessness, lawless one (see 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4, 8-10);
• The man doomed to destruction (see 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4, 8-10);
• The Antichrist (see 1 John 2:18);
• The beast (see Revelation 11:7); and
• The first beast that comes out of the sea (see Revelation 13:1-10).

REPRESENTATIVE SCRIPTURES: See the above-cited Scriptures for descriptions of the Antichrist. I will not use space to expound further on the Antichrist and False Prophet. A description of the False Prophet (the Beast out of the Earth), including the infamous mark of the Beast instituted on his behalf, is found in Revelation, 13:11-18.

Charter of the United Nations
• Applied Digital Solutions Company has developed a miniaturized, implantable device, which can store personal data and generate radio frequency transmissions— VeriChip™; a miniaturized, implantable power source, which generates electricity from body heat (Thermo Life™); and an implantable GPS device. While this company may be completely innocent of any future collaboration with the False Prophet, these devices represent the type of technology which likely will be used as the mark of the Beast (see Revelation 13:16-17). Advertisements and news articles for these products are presented to show that technology for the mark of the Beast is now available: VeriChip™; Thermo Life™; and GPS implant.

Humanist Manifestos I and II (American Humanist Association)

• See U.S. DEBT CLOCK to watch the U.S. debt spiral out of control in front of your eyes. AND, this debt does not consider such "big-ticket" items as a nationalized healthcare plan (Obamacare); cap-and-trade proposals; stimulus and bailout proposals; promised, or mandated benefits (Social Security, etc.); and other expenses that have been or may be added by a completely, recklessly out-of-control federal government to appease a population wanting more entitlements and benefits (read that, income redistribution) from the federal government. The debt now exceeds the gross domestic product (GDP).

... nor did we eat anyone’s bread free of charge, but worked with labor and toil night and day, that we might not be a burden to any of you, make ourselves an example of how you should follow us.The Apostle Paul (2 Thessalonians 3:8-9)

"A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until a majority of voters discover that they can vote themselves largess out of the public treasury." — Alexander Tytler

“The first consideration in immigration is the welfare of the receiving nation. In a new government based on principles unfamiliar to the rest of the world and resting on the sentiments of the people themselves, the influx of a large number of new immigrants unaccustomed to the government of a free society could be detrimental to that society. Immigration, therefore, must be approached carefully and cautiously.” — Thomas Jefferson

"The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money." — Margaret Thatcher

SEE a collection of quotes about welfare.

Why mention this issue in this section? America is financially bankrupt (more than 21-trillion dollars in admitted debt, and growing rapidly). Her leaders are addicted to reckless spending and accumulation of more debt, which is a bipartisan failure. Much of America's spending is non-discretionary and cannot be rescinded without significant social and political chaos. No politician will consider reducing Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, unemployment benefits, etc. As America plunges deeper in debt, she will be "owned" by other interests— interests which will steer America and other nations into the one-world economy and government that will mark the Antichrist's regime. Debt may even cause America to be plunged into war. (It was World War II that caused recovery from the Great Depression. Ironically, Adolf Hitler's maniacal and evil bid to dominate the world was far more effective than F.D. Roosevelt's alphabet soup agencies in the Great Depression recovery.) Jesus' return is at the door! Be concerned not about having money in your pockets, but having rewards ("crowns") in Heaven!

Worldwide financial collapse may lead rapidly to food and energy shortages, civil unrest, and other distresses which will be present before Jesus' return. The "trigger" for the "perilous times" of Paul's prophecy— the "trigger" which may cause the return of Jesus— could be global economic collapse. Such collapse has already begun and may progress rapidly. Read the dire prophecy of economic collapse in James 5:1-6.

National leaders do not know how to correct the coming financial collapse. Consider Luke 21:28: [Jesus said] "Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near." Part of the global chaos the Antichrist will likely need to tackle in his seven-year plan will be the restoration of economic confidence through his one-world government and one-world economy, including a cashless society, operating through the "mark of the Beast" (see Revelation 13:16-17). Will the Antichrist's seven-year treaty also provide sharing the Temple Mount between Muslims (to keep the Dome of the Rock) and Jews (to build the Third Temple)?

It would be funny, it it were not so sad: Twenty Questions— Government Studies That Will Leave You Scratching Your Head (Senator Jeff Flake, May, 2016). Unfortunately, this oversight report only barely touches the surface of government waste, fraud, and abuse.

NOTE: In this section, I include articles about the economy, especially the American economy. Prophecy scholars for decades have taught that the United States must fall before the Antichrist's reign. End-time prophecies, e.g., James 5:1-3 and the early Seal Judgments in Revelation, chapter 6 also warn of economic collapse. The United States could collapse economically, rather than militarily. America's collapse could start a domino effect, with other nations collapsing. For Americans concerned about the exploding national debt, part of America's debt stems from an imbalance of trade— especially trade with future enemies (China, for example). Read labels. If a product reads, "Made in [a nation which is/ will be America's enemy]," do you really want to trade with a potential enemy? Is such trade a treasonous act, even if small in nature? You may wish to see:, a site which list products made only in America. Readers in other nations may have similar sites. Help your nation's economy and workers by refusing to trade with future enemies.

Finally, consider the words of Adolf Hitler: "The best way to take control over a people and control them utterly is to take a little of their freedom at a time, to erode rights by a thousand tiny and almost imperceptible reductions. In this way, the people will not see those rights and freedoms being removed until past the point at which these changes cannot be reversed."
Marcus Tullius Cicero (106 - 43 BC): “A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”

OBSERVATION: At the time this section is written, America is atrongly divided. Democrats, Hillary Clinton, the mainstream media, comedians, actors, and others have formed a deep state, a resistance movement to impeach (some, even, to assasinate) Donald Trump. (A "deep state" is a "state within a state," intended to resist, obstruct, or overthrow the soverign nation in which it is embedded.) In less politically correct times, these actions and words would be considered treason. These people are enemies of democracy. America held a national election in November, 2016. Donald Trump received the majority of electoral college votes, and ascended to the presidency in January, 2017. Anyone who cannot accept this election and move on to try to govern America is a traitor. On a personal note, I was deeply troubled by Barack Obama, as president, but I accepted the vote of the people and endured the results for eight years, as best as I could. These Trump enemies do not only oppose him, they oppose Scriptures (Daniel 2:21b): ... [God] removes kings and raises up kings;.... —AND— (1 Timothy 2:1-3): Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior,.... Those who violently oppose President Trump not only mock the electoral process and Holy Scriptures, they are also willing to destroy the nation. They do not understand (or accept) Jesus' words (Luke 11:17): But [Jesus], knowing their thoughts, said to them: “Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and a house divided against a house falls." In my lifetime, I have never seen such hatred for any person, as I have seen in the liberals' hatred of Donald Trump. Such hatred— the politically left totally unhinged— has been likened to mental illness ("the Trump derangement syndrome"). Anyone willing to part with four or five dollars can purchase one of a large selection of liberalism-is-a-mental-disorder bumper stickers. Extreme hatred of Donald Trump may not end well for America.

✔ WHEN WILL THE RAPTURE (FOLLOWED BY THE SEVEN-YEAR TRIBULATION) OCCUR? Bible students fix the timing and length of the Rapture, followed by the Tribulation, differently. Leading theories are the Rapture occurs seven years before the Tribulation (pre-Tribulation) or in the middle of the Tribulation (mid-Tribulation). Much of the confusion seems to center on the meaning of "the last trumpet," which I believe the mid-Tribulationalists mis-interpret Scriptures. I cannot account for all of the timed sequence events in the mid-Tribulation theory. To accommodate all such events, one needs seven prophetic years (7 x 360 = 2,520 days), not 3.5 years. Daniel's "seven days" (a shabua), Jesus' revelation to the Apostle John, Ezekiel's Gog-Magog prophecy, and other Scriptures require seven years to play out. Numerous Internet articles have been posted. I present a very few posts, which argue for a pre-Tribulation Rapture:
Defending The Pre-trib Rapture
Why I Believe in a Pre-Tribulation Rapture
Arguments for a Pre-Tribulation Rapture
250 Reasons for Pre-Trib Rapture
50 Reasons For a Pretribulational Rapture By Dr. John F. Walvoord
Reasons to Believe in a Pre-Tribulation Rapture

NEWSWATCH CHECKLIST. Watch for the following issues relative to this section:
✔ The Antichrist, a follower of Satan and part of the Unholy Trinity, will be revealed. Hailed as a great savior, he is truly a curse for the world.
✔ The Antichrist will lead a federation of nations— grouped in ten divisions of nations— in an attempt to rule (subjugate) the world. The Club of Rome has divided the world into ten regions— see a MAP of these divisions. Could these divisions, already in place, be the ten divisions (mentioned as toes, heads, and crowns in various prophecies) of the Antichrist's one-world government?
✔ During the Tribulation, the world's final leaders (the Unholy Trinity— Satan, Antichrist, False Prophet) will attempt to form a one-world government, one-world economy, and one-world religion.
✔ Be wary of anything which promotes or establishes a global (one-world) structure. Probably two conditions, singly or in combination, can topple existing governments— war (including terrorism) and financial collapse. Reasonable scenarios for these government-crushing events are presently in place.
✔ Until recently, America had been the world's leader. The demise of America seems more certain with each passing day. An American type of government and the Antichrist's government cannot co-exist.
✔ Western nations, including the United States, are bankrupt. Hopelessly unpayable debts are "floated" by central banks' monetization of the debt ("printing" more worthless fiat money through Federal Reserve purchase of debt, etc.), while precious metal reserves (Fort Knox and other depositories in the USA) may be (?) virtually empty. If it is revealed (proven) these precious metal (gold) reserves do not exist, what will be the catastrophic effects on national and international economies? Will such global economic collapse be the basis of the mark of the Beast, prophesied in Revelation, chapter 13?
✔ Americans beware: The United States is a constitutional republic, not a democracy. All civil laws— all government— is based on the Constitution. Federal officials regularly shred the Constitution. The Constitution is a restrictive document, established to curb an out-of-control government. Only a few things ("enumerated powers") are granted to the federal government. Any action on other matters is lawless. Two provisions of checks and balances are provided— a horizontal provision provides the three separate but equal Branches (Executive, Legislative, Judiciary), and a vertical provision reserves all other powers for the states and the people. It should be needless to say, religious law (for example, law of Islam) is not equal to Constitutional law and cannot replace law applicable to all citizens. The clearly power-hungry federal government will become even more aggressive and extra-constitutional in its drive to control all persons' lives. As sad as it may seem, this ravenous hunger for power is good news for Christians, because it confirms the validity of Bible prophecy and points to the soon coming of the Antichrist and the true Christ! Remember: a Christian's home is not in this world but in New Jerusalem. ... Even so, come, Lord Jesus! (Revelation 22:20b).
IMPORTANT: Warn family members never to accept anything which resembles the mark of the Beast (see Revelation 13:16-17). By so doing, they will consign their souls to eternal punishment in Hell (see Revelation 14:9-11).

CONSTITUTIONAL CHECKLIST. The United States was born in revolution against the British crown in the late eighteenth century (Revolutionary War). America's Founding Fathers considered Great Britain to be despotic. Soon after the founding of the United States, a Constitution was adopted. A Bill of Rights (ten constitutional amendments intended to protect citizens against governmental excesses) was soon adopted. See: Bill or Rights text. These founding documents have been a model for government, balancing necessary powers of a government with rights of the governed. America's constitutional government is incompatible with the Antichrist's totalitarian government during the Tribulation. As we rush toward the Tribulation, watch for measures to dismantle or weaken the Constitution. These measures may include excesses of laws and regulations, court decisions, and executive (presidential) orders. As distressing as these breaches of constitutional government may be, they are reassuring that the return of Jesus grows closer each day. I present a very brief outline of some endangered constitutional safeguards:
✔ Amendment 1. Provides: Congress may not establish a religion or prohibit a citizen's free exercise of religion; may not interfere with the press (today, "press" = news media); may not curtail or censor speech; and may not suppress citizens' rights to assemble peaceably. Citizens have the right to petition the government for relief of governmental excess or wrongdoing, without fear of reprisals, but such petition must be peacable (peaceful). Watch: Any effort to muzzle pastors or lay persons who speak matters of faith, or news media reports, or stop peaceful demonstrations, or complain to the government, even if unpopular, must be regarded as unconstitutional. Although not a constitutional issue, certain elitists wish to impose political correctness to dissuade persons from expressing their views. A Christian should not be intimidated by enemies of the cross whose strident demands are that they not speak.
✔ Amendment 2. Provides: Citizens have the right to keep and bear arms (weapons). Watch: Any effort to disarm law-abiding citizens must be regarded as unconstitutional. Understand that despotic governments always seek to disarm the people. See: Dictators and Gun Control. An unarmed populace is defenseless against governmental tyranny.
✔ Amendment 3. Provides: Soldiers shall not be quartered in citizens' homes, except in time of war and after passage of appropriate legislation. Watch: The line between citizens' rights and federal power is being blurred. A number of emergency powers, for example FEMA Executive Orders, have been taken by the president to take rights from the people. See a more complete list of executive orders, from presidents Hoover through Obama.
✔ Amendment 4. Provides: Citizens are protected from "unreasonable searches and seizures." This right has been weakened and continues to be weakened. A common excuse is that such warrantless searches are necessary for "security." Recall Benjamin Franklin's observation: "Those who surrender freedom for security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one." Watch: The federal government will continue to violate citizens' privacy by a variety of old and new means (new = drone spying, electronic surveillance, data mining, and so forth).
✔ Amendments 9 and 10: Provide: A central (federal) government was designed to be weak or even irrelevant in most areas of citizens' lives, with greater powers given to the states or retained by the people. Only "enumerated powers" (powers and duties specifically named in the Constitution) should be the purview of the federal government. Watch: The worst fears of the Founding Fathers have come to pass. The federal government— through legislation, regulations, and court decisions— dominates every facet of Americans' lives. Other than the obvious fact that the federal government botches many of the projects it undertakes and is far too inefficient and expensive, an exceedingly strong central (federal) government paves the way for the Antichrist's one-world government of the Tribulation.

CONCLUSION: Through their actions, the United Nations and many world leaders are making the future reign of the Antichrist far too simple. The framework upon which the Unholy Trinity will establish its global government during the Tribulation has been built and is strengthened daily. Hope that those who believe in a pre-Tribulation Rapture are correct! Otherwise, we future heavenly saints face horrendous, ever-worsening times!

Click on underlined underlined title to read details.



BACKGROUND: The Union of Socialist Soviet Republics (U.S.S.R.) was the Communist enemy of the West and Israel for much of the last half of the twentieth century. The U.S.S.R., now dissolved, is today called "Russia."

Russian leaders seemed relatively quiet for a short time, giving the appearance of peaceful cooperation with the West. Presently, though, bellicose statements, actions, and alliances have revealed Russia's true heart. Russia's intentions are most important because the prophet Ezekiel stated that God will lead Gog (Vladimir Putin?), the leader of Magog (clealy Russia) into war against Israel by setting "a hook in his (Gog's) jaw," as one might use a hook in the jaw of an animal to lead it (see Ezekiel, chapters 38 and 39).

Although weakened by years of rule by an inept, corrupt Communist regime, Russia still has the potential of a world superpower. Russia has a large population of hard-working people accustomed to deprivation and sacrifice, as well as abundant resources (well-trained scientists and engineers and the raw materials of weaponry). The Russian stockpile of weapons, e.g., nuclear weapons, missiles, bombers and fighters, tanks, biological weapons, and the like, is still frightening in its excess. Despite the average Russian's poverty, Russia aggressively prepares for war and possesses weapons and delivery systems of top quality and technology. Russia has important client states in the Middle East (especially Iran and Syria), and is assisting Iran to be a nuclear power. Russia is cementing relationships with China to form the Eurasian Alliance. Russia truly is a "sleeping giant." Only the most naive person would consider Russia to be a friend of Israel and the United States.

Russia is anti-Semitic. Rule by an officially atheistic government for many years has weakened the influence of Christianity, although Russian Orthodox Christians are still present.

The Holy Bible tells that Israel's enemy to the north— Moscow is due north of Israel— will wage war against Israel and other nations toward the end of the age. Russia is poised for a massive military attack. Russia's allies will be the King of the South, identified by place names in The Holy Bible as the Arab (Muslim) nations who hate Israel and who are economic, political, and military allies of Russia. Persia (Iran) will be a major ally.

Other countries to Israel's north— Turkey and former U.S.S.R. nations— could be allied with Russia because of their Islamic ties and various political and economical reasons.

God will intervene and crush superior invading forces from the north and south to save His people Israel. A remnant of the Russian army will apparently re-build and participate in the Battle of Armageddon at the end of the Tribulation, immediately prior to the Second Coming of Jesus.

REPRESENTATIVE SCRIPTURES: Genesis 10:1-2: Now this is the genealogy of the sons of Noah: Shem, Ham, and Japheth. And sons were born to them after the flood. The sons of Japheth were Gomer, Magog, Madai, Javan, Tubal, Meshech, and Tiras.
EXPLANATION: These sons migrated northward into Russia, and their descendants are listed as future invaders of Israel.
Ezekiel, chapters 38 and 39: SUMMARY: These two chapters, too long to reproduce here, are excerpted. God will put "hooks in the jaw" of Gog of the land of Magog, leader of Meshech and Tubal (ancient names of peoples to the north), to lead him (Gog) against Israel. With him in this invasion will be his southern allies— Persia, Cush, Put, Gomer, and other nations (ancient names for present-day Arab and North African countries). When Israel is "living in safety," Russia and her southern confederates will attack Israel in great force. Other nations of the world will offer diplomatic complaints, but none will offer Israel military assistance. God's anger will be set against Gog. God will send a great earthquake and other judgments against Gog's troops, and He will confuse Gog's leaders. Losses in Gog's armies will be staggering. God will do this to save His people Israel and to demonstrate His sovereign power.
EXPLANATION: Gog is the leader of Magog, which is allied with southern Islamic nations. There can be little doubt that Magog is Russia and the southern allies are Iran, and North African and Arab nations.
• One motive for the invasion apparently may be to capture the strategically important land bridge between three continents and the warm-water port access to the Mediterranean Sea for exportation of Middle Eastern petroleum. (Israel has also recently discovered large deposits of petroleum and natural gas.)
• Another motive may be the anti-Semitism in Russia and Muslim nations and the Islamic zeal to re-capture land once ruled by Islamic nations. (The Ottoman Empire [Turkey] ruled the land of Israel prior to World War I. Sharia law sets forth the principle that any land that once belonged to Allah is his forever, and it must be regained. Therefore, Islamic leaders are under a religious imperative to regain "Allah's land" of Israel.)
• Still another motive may be a defense pact between Russia and her client states of Iran and Syria. Israel may be forced into a pre-emptive attack of Iran to reduce the nuclear threat posed by this nation. Syria has a large stockpile of chemical weapons; an unstable government headed by weak, desperate leaders; a civil war raging between Syria's Alawite leaders and Syrian al-Qaida rebels; and threats from ISIS (ISIL) forces (although ISIS appears to be weakening at the moment). Syria also bitterly contests Israeli ownership of the Golan Heights. Desperate Syria may attack Israel, and the attack may involve Syria's stockpile of chemical weapons of mass destruction (WMDs). Should a WMD attack of Israel occur, massive military retaliation against Syria may follow. Read the nuclear attack, now in our future, against Damascus, as described in Isaiah, chapter 17.
• Russia would be obligated to retaliate against Israel on behalf of her Iranian and/or Syrian allies (as though "hooks have been set" in Gog's jaws, as described by Ezekiel).

Scholars agree that the War of Gog and Magog will occur in the near future, but they differ in the timing with respect to the Rapture or Tribulation. Many scholars I respect place the War of Gog and Magog as part of the Battle of Armageddon. It seems reasonable to me, though, to believe this war may occur earlier (before the Tribulation) for these reasons: (1) Bible prophecies do not mention the Antichrist and the seven-year peace treaty affirmed by him; and (2) prophecies note that Israel uses weapons (captured nuclear warheads?) as fuel for seven years (the Tribulation only lasts seven years). Concerning Israel being "at peace," Israel need not be totally at peace (free from terrorism), but only have a feeling of security (that is, not expecting a major military assault).
Daniel 11:40: [The angel said] "At the time of the end the king of the South shall attack him; and the king of the North shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter the countries, overwhelm them, and pass through."

NEWSWATCH CHECKLIST. Watch for the following issues relative to this section:
✔ Russia clearly is Magog in the War of Gog and Magog prophecy (see Ezekiel, chapters 38 and 39).
✔ Could Russia's Vladimir Putin be Gog, leader of Magog (Russia) in the same prophecy?
✔ Gog/ Magog will join forces with several nations in the same prophecy. A major ally will be Persia (Iran). Watch alliances with Iran and other Muslim nations, as they solidify.
✔ Putin is deeply hurt (embarrassed? enraged?) that the USSR was broken apart a few decades ago. He is working hard to restore this broken Union. Russia is not an ally or friend of the United States. Hillary Clinton's embarrassingly naive "re-set" button of 2009 was never accepted by Russia.
✔ Putin, an ex-KGB member, will pursue ruthless means to restore the former USSR. World leaders will continue to be impotent in stopping Putin's quest. Watch carefully.
✔ Russian sabre-rattling will increase, with threats to Russia's neighbors and intimidating incursions into/ near nations' airspace and coastlines. The Cold War will reach the levels of a few decades ago.
✔ Russia will continue major expansions of military capabilities, while Western nations' capabilities are degraded. What will be the "tipping point," when Russia and allies feel confident in attempting to depose Western nations? Does America have the will and capability to withstand a massive war with Russia?

Click on underlined title to read details.



BEWARE OF CONVERSATION STOPPERS! You will encounter enemies of the cross and political leftists who will attempt to silence your speech with certain "conversation stoppers." These "stoppers" may include such words as: racist, homophobe, Islamophobe, etc. Pertinent to this section, consider the word "Islamophobe." A "-phobe" is a person who suffers from an irrational fear (a phobia). For example, if a person fears to go out of the house because of dinosaurs, he has an irrational fear, a "saurophobia" (if such a word exists), because all dinosaurs are extinct. It is not Islamophobia to have deep concerns about ISIS and other Islamic terrorists. Such concerns are rational. I reject being called an "Islamophobe," and explain that I am "Islamaware." I do not have irrational fear of Islamic terrorists, who kill Jews and Christians in the name of Allah, but I am aware of their goal of world domination and forced conversions to Islam. Speak boldly for your faith, even if your enemies seek to silence you by name-calling.

BACKGROUND: The controversy between Jews (and engrafted Jews— Christians) and Arabs (now mostly Muslims) began thousands of years ago with Abraham.

God (Jehovah) promised Abraham that he would be the father of a great nation, a nation which would receive God's blessings. Abraham's wife, Sarah, bore no children after years of marriage. In old age, she believed she could not produce a son for Abraham. Sarah asked Abraham to impregnate Hagar, her much younger Egyptian maidservant, to produce a male heir, which he did.

Hagar bore Abraham's son, Ishmael. Ishmael was not the son God intended to use to establish Abraham's covenant people. The angel of the LORD informed Hagar that Ishmael would be "a wild donkey of a man, his hand will be against everyone and everyone's hand against him, and he will live in hostility toward all his brothers" (see Genesis 16:12). Ishmael's descendants were given land to the east of Israel (the Arabian Peninsula), and his descendants were promised to be too numerous to count.

Years later, God worked a miracle in Sarah. In her old age, she bore Abraham's son, Isaac. Isaac was the son God intended for Abraham's heritage. Through Isaac would come God's chosen people, the Jews. God sealed a covenant with Abraham, the blessings of which would be passed to Isaac and his descendants— Jews and, later, Christians.

Isaac had twin sons, Esau and Jacob. Esau, the older twin, foolishly sold his birthright to Jacob, and the inheritance and blessing of Isaac, which Esau should have received, passed to Jacob through Jacob's trickery. Jacob, whose name was changed to Israel, had twelve sons. These twelve sons became the patriarchs (first fathers, ruling fathers) of the twelve tribes of Israel.

Ishmael and Esau became the fathers of the Arabs. They were joined by the sons of Lot and his daughters (conceived through incest) — Moab, father of the Moabites, and Ben-Ammi, father of the Ammonites. They were also joined by the six sons of Abraham and his second wife, Keturah. Many centuries later, a descendant of Ishmael, Mohammad, elevated one of the three-hundred and sixty Arabian gods, the moon god Allah, to "the greatest" of the gods ("Allahu akbar"), and Islam was born.

Isaac, Jacob (Israel), and succeeding generations of Jews worshiped Jehovah as God. King David followed centuries later; and, still centuries later, followed Jesus the Christ (Jesus the Messiah). After the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus, Christianity was established as the Church, the Body of Christ, on the Day of Pentecost, ca A.D 33.

To this day, there is still a great struggle between descendants of Abraham:
• On one hand are descendants of Abraham-Isaac-Jacob (Israel), who are JEWS professing belief in one God (Jehovah); and descendants of Abraham-Isaac-Jacob-Jesse-David-Jesus, who are CHRISTIANS. Christians, believers in Jehovah, are grafted into the tree of Israel (see Romans 11:15-29, 32).
• On the other hand are descendants of Abraham-Ishmael-Arabian princes (Ishmaelites), joined by the sons of Abraham and Keturah— and Abraham-Isaac-Jacob-Esau (Edomites) — and Lot-Moab and Ben-ammi (Moabites and Ammonites), who are MUSLIMS, professing belief in one god (Allah).

This struggle will continue until Jesus' return (the Second Coming), and no man, treaty, or war can stop the struggle. The LORD spoke through His prophet Zechariah to explain that all nations will come against Jerusalem in the last days, with disastrous results for Israel's enemies (see Zechariah 12:1-3, 9).

The Holy Bible clearly teaches that Arab, North African, and Middle Eastern nations will be the intractable enemy of Israel at the end of the age. These nations are named in the Holy Bible (see Psalm 83), and their alliance with Russia is prophesied (see Ezekiel 38).

News accounts are filled with the hostility of Muslim peoples (especially Muslim leaders) against Jews and Christians. Western nations learn only a small sample of such hostility because of news media bias (news media self-censorship? anti-Semitic and anti-Christian hostility? greed in not wishing to alienate major advertisers, many of whom are associated directly or indirectly with the petroleum industry?). Thirty-five acres in Jerusalem— located on ancient Mount Moriah, now called the Temple Mount— form the flashpoint for Jewish-Islamic animosity. This site formerly housed the Jews' First and Second Temples. This site now houses the Muslims' Dome of the Rock. This mountain top will house the Jews' Third Temple, to be built during the Tribulation and to be the focus of mankind's reverence, when Jesus returns at His Second Coming to sit upon the Throne of David and rule the world during the Millennial Kingdom (the thousand year reign of Messiah). Muslims know more about the prophecies of Jesus' return than do many Christians. The Muslims have blocked with stone the Eastern Gate, through which Jesus will pass; have a cannon pointed at gate; and have planted a Muslim cemetery in front of the gate. (Will these tactics stop the Creator of the Universe, as He passes from the Mount of Olives to David's throne in the Third Temple?) In trying to prevent Jesus from returning to the Temple Mount, the Muslims have unknowingly fulfilled Bible prophecy (Ezekiel 44:1-2): Then He brought me back to the outer gate of the sanctuary which faces toward the east, but it was shut. And the LORD said to me, "This gate shall be shut; it shall not be opened, and no man shall enter by it, because the LORD God of Israel has entered by it; therefore it shall be shut." God saw centuries into the future and likely laughed at feeble man's attempt to prevent the return of Messiah to claim His throne!

REPRESENTATIVE SCRIPTURES: Genesis 10:1, 6-7: Now this is the genealogy of the sons of Noah: Shem, Ham, and Japheth. And sons were born to them after the flood. |...| The sons of Ham were Cush, Mizraim, Put, and Canaan. The sons of Cush were Seba, Havilah, Sabtah, Raamah, and Sabtechah; and the sons of Raamah were Sheba and Dedan.
EXPLANATION: Additional genealogy is recorded in this chapter, but some of Noah's descendants traveled south and became the ancestors of present-day Arabs and North Africans— present-day enemies of Israel.

See the preceding section for a summary of Ezekiel, chapters 38 and 39 and Daniel 11:40, which prophesy an alliance of northern and southern enemies of Israel— Russia and Muslim nations— and their future launch of a massive surprise attack against Israel.

The Koran (Qu'ran):
...... Single word and phrase searches in the Koran
...... Proximity searches (co-occurrence of two or three words or phrases) in tbed a a deeiver in the Koran. Muhammad lied to othrs to gain advantage (called hudna in Arabic). Muslims are encouraged to lie to opponents to gain advantage (e Koran
...... Boolean searches (combinations of two or three words in a single verse) in the Koran
...... Browse (read chapter by chapter) the Koran

MSA-USC Hadith Database:
...... Translation of Sahih Bukhari (complete collection)
...... Translation of Sahih Muslim (complete collection)
...... Translation of Sunan Abu-Dawud (partial collection)
...... Translation of Malik's Muwatta (complete collection)

NEWSWATCH CHECKLIST. Watch for the following issues relative to this section:
✔ Islamic fundamentalists will continue jihad against Jews, Christians, and non-Islamic nations.
✔ Northern Africa, the Middle East, and other areas have been completely destabilized by boneheaded strategies of the United States and other nations (example: the Arab Spring). Dictators of these countries were evil men, to be sure, but they ruled their countries with an iron fist and maintained stability. Israel and Western nations could deal with these leaders in the past. Now, the area is a destabilized mess.
✔ Politically correct politicians, academicians, and journalists will retreat into political correctness to defend the "poor Islamic peoples yearning for freedom." Expect "Islamophobe" to be hurled contemptuously against any person who questions Islamic actions.
✔ Terrorism and aggression will increase dramatically.
✔ Western nations will be impotent to combat terrorism and military aggression because of the growing strength of Islamic jihadists and backing of Russia and others.
✔ Conditions for the War of Gog and Magog (see Ezekiel, chapters 38 and 39) — including the alliance of Russia and Islamic nations, with weakening of America and other Western nations— will accelerate.
✔ Islamic leaders cannot be trusted in any negotiation or treaty. Consider Arabic words which are well-respected tactics, dating back to Muhammad, which condone— even mandate— deception for a Muslim to gain advantange over a non-Muslim:
TaqiyyaTaqiyya translates to: "concealing, precaution, guarding." Taqiyya is used to disguise (hide) beliefs, intentions, convictions, ideas, feelings, opinions, strategies... that is, for the purpose of dissimulation, lying, deceiving, vexing, confounding with the intention of deflecting attention, foiling, pre-emptive blocking. To a Muslim, lying to an enemy is not a sin, but is an honorable strategy.
HudnaHudna translates to: "peace, calm, truce, armistice"— but a false calm used to deceive an enemy while building up strength ultimately to defeat the enemy. The first hudna was the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah in which Muhammad deceived the Quraysh tribe. Hudna is not a sin or dishonor for a Muislim, but, rather, a "permitted" strategy following the example of Muhammad.
Muslims bristle at the thought they could be untrustworthy, and they point out instances in the Bible where Jesus, the Apostle Paul, and others appear to have used deception. Reader, you be the judge. Can any treaty or agreement with an Islamic nation (say, Iran) be trusted, or is it worthless? Can such treaty or agreement be broken at any time, because of taqiyya or hudna? But, Western diplomats (U.S. Secretary of State Kerry, for example) and the news media hype "progress" or "agreements" with Islamic nations as though they actually mean something.
✔ Words matter. Words open up the minds and hearts of those who speak the words. The Islamic terrorists call themselves ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria). The recent Obama administration started calling ISIS by the acronym ISIL (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant). "Levant" comes from Old French and Latin, meaning "rising" (as in the rising sun or lands to the east of Rome— including the eastern Mediterranean nations of Lebanon, Jordan, and Israel. The recent Obama administration expanded ISIS' goals to include countries of the Levant. Slightly later, then-Secretary Kerry referred to the ISIS terrorists by the name DAESH. "DAESH" is an acronym for the Arabic phrase al-Dawla al-Islamiya al-Iraq al-Sham ("Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant"). Clearly, the Obama administration is divorcing the terrorist group from the word "Islamic" for English-speaking audiences.

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BACKGROUND: Christians, Jews, and the West in general have three potential enemies in the east— Communism (China and North Korea); Islam (a wide swath of countries extending through northern Africa, the Middle East, and the Far East); and Hinduism (primarily India).

China and other Far Eastern countries presently may feign peaceful co-existence with the West because the trade imbalance provides a surplus of Western money to feed burgeoning populations and build military strength. Part of this trade imbalance is due to countries such as China and North Korea, which sell weapons to Middle Eastern countries— enemies of Israel and the West, including the United States— with no moral constraint.

Untold millions of young men are available for military service, in part due to China's one-child policy which has resulted in a surplus of male children.

The Bible prophesies that an army of 200-million soldiers from the Far East will advance toward Israel immediately before Jesus' Second Coming (see Revelation 9:15-19). Several scenarios can be imagined, including: China and North Korea may form the nucleus of an army to fight the West; or, Islamic countries may form the nucleus of an army to fight Israel and the West; or, Hindu countries (India) may form the nucleus of an army to fight Islamic countries (an unlikely scenario); or, coalitions of these powers may form an army to fight Israel and the West.

War could erupt at any moment in the Far East. China could attack Taiwan, which would create a diplomatic and military crisis for the United States. India and Pakistan, both nuclear powers, periodically threaten to re-ignite their hatred for one another. North Korea, led by an irrational "clown," makes warring gestures toward South Korea, threatens America, and rapidly develops nuclear weapon and missile technology.

Thus, Eastern powers, acting singly or together, could easily fulfill the westward-advancing army that wages war immediately before the Lord Jesus Christ returns.

The Euphrates River historically has been a barrier against ground troop movement between the east and west. In the 1990s, Turkey built a system of dams— the Atatürk Dam being the largest— which can stop the flow of water in the Euphrates River, making troop crossing much easier. China has been building a daunting engineering Trans-Himalayan highway, which would facilitate troop movement from the Far East toward Israel.

REPRESENTATIVE SCRIPTURES: Revelation 9:13-21: Then the sixth angel sounded: And I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before God, saying to the sixth angel who had the trumpet, "Release the four angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates." So the four angels, who had been prepared for the hour and day and month and year, were released to kill a third of mankind. Now the number of the army of the horsemen was two hundred million; I heard the number of them. SUMMARY of verses 17 TO 21: John described the horde advancing through Asia toward Israel. He tried to explain instruments of modern war, which would have been very strange to him, in terms people of his time could understand. For example: fire out of the mouths of their "horses" could represent tanks; and the fire, smoke, and sulfur that killed a third of mankind surely could represent nuclear warfare.

Revelation 16:12: Then the sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up, so that the way of the kings from the east might be prepared.

NEWSWATCH CHECKLIST. Watch for the following issues relative to this section:
✔ Increasing wealth and desire for world domination will drive eastern nations to be fierce economic and military opponents of western nations.
✔ Debt owed to China by America can never be re-paid, and such debt will create an unstable, doomed-for-disaster relationship.
✔ Eastern nations will seek more subtle ways of weakening the West (cyberwarfare [hacking into the Internet], economic collapse [replacing the American dollar with the Chinese juan], and even an EMP nuclear explosion).
✔ Burgeoning populations in eastern nations, coupled with technical expertise, will continue to build a powerful military. Such buildup comes at a time in which Western nations are weakening military capabilities.
✔ The world's media and politicians appear to be essentially ignoring quirky, paranoid, secretive North Korea and its quirky, paranoid, secretive leader— "out of sight, out of mind." But, North Korea appears to desire to be a nuclear power with long-range missile delivery systems.
✔ The military force of 200-million troops (see Revelation 9:14-16) can be easily achieved.
✔ Technology of China and North Korea will continue to supply weaponry and military assistance to such nations as Iran.
✔ Technology of China and North Korea will fuel a new kind of warfare, as computers are hacked and disabled.

Click on underlined title to read details.


BACKGROUND: The Christian Church has suffered great persecution since being founded on the Day of Pentecost in ca AD 33. The Roman Empire tried to stamp out the Church through nearly two centuries of horrendous persecution, but the Church grew faster than the Romans could martyr Christians. During the Dark Ages, Christians turned on themselves, as a corrupt Catholic Church sought to stop the Protestant Reformation, but the Church remained intact. In the past century, enemies of Jesus Christ— especially Muslims— have tried to remove Christians from "their" land through forced conversions to Islam or death, but the Church has grown steadily in some of these areas. The harder Satan has persecuted and continues to persecute God's people, the more resolute and numerous Christians have become! And, of course, the Jews have always been terribly persecuted in the past and presently.

The Holy Bible (in large part, the books of Daniel and Revelation) tells of an evil government during the seven-year Tribulation. This government may come through the United Nations. This one-world government will be headed by the Antichrist and the False Prophet, and will be established to accomplish Satan's bidding and to oppose God in Three Persons.

Before the Tribulation begins, Christians will be removed from the earth by the Rapture (pre-Tribulation interpretation). God will not leave the earth without hope, though, and He will raise up 144,000 Jewish evangelists and the Two Witnesses to proclaim His Gospel message of grace (salvation through Jesus' blood sacrifice) throughout the world. Many millions will be converted to faith in Jesus during this time. The Antichrist's government will ruthlessly hunt down these recently converted Christians, and they will be martyred (murdered).

All the puzzle pieces are falling into place to fulfill in the very near future the prophetic scenario outlined above. Consider these facts: Although unbelievably dysfunctional at the moment, Europe is building a powerful federation of nations (the European Union). Europe is mostly apostate, with little practice of Christianity in many countries and with anti-Christian hostility in some countries. Europe's long-standing anti-Semitism is intensifying. Europe is increasingly allying with Muslim nations, which hate Jews and Christians. Even in America, the Judicial System, some members of Congress, the State Department, many members of the media, and members of the entertainment community are strongly biased against Christianity. The world is ready for the Antichrist and the unmerciful persecution of Jews and Christians he will unleash. Satan will execute his plan for a few years, until he is defeated by Jesus the Christ, King of kings and Lord of lords, at His Second Coming!

NOTE THIS: A 2002 book review*, summarizes the bloodshed of Christian martyrs during the twentieth century. In the two millennia of Christian history, more than 70-million Christians have been martyred (murdered) solely because of their Christian faith. Of these, 45.5-million (65 per cent) of martyrs lost their lives during the twentieth century. Most recent Christian martyrdom has occurred because of Communism and Islamic and Hindu fundamentalism (extremism).
— — — — —
*More than a decade later, this number has probably increased by millions. Others place the number of Christian martyrs much higher.

Note the difference in attitude between Christian martyrdom and Islamic martyrdom:
• Christian fundamentalist: "I will die for my beliefs."
• Islamic fundamentalist: "You will die for my beliefs."

REPRESENTATIVE SCRIPTURES: Genesis 3:15a: [The LORD God said to the serpent, or Satan] "And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her Seed;...."

Matthew 10:16, 18, 21-22, 28, 39: [Jesus said] "Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. |...| You will be brought before governors and kings for My sake, as a testimony to them and to the Gentiles. |...| Now brother will deliver up brother to death, and a father his child; and children will rise up against parents and cause them to be put to death. And you will be hated by all for My name's sake. But he who endures to the end will be saved. |...| And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. |...| He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for My sake will find it."
Matthew 24:21: [Jesus said] "For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be."
2 Timothy 3:1: But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come:....
Revelation 6:9: When [Jesus] opened the fifth seal, I [John] saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain for the word of God and for the testimony which they held.
Revelation 12:12: [A loud voice in heaven said] "Therefore rejoice, O heavens, and you who dwell in them! Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and the sea! For the devil has come down to you, having great wrath, because he knows that he has a short time."
Revelation 13:15-17: [The False Prophet] was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast [the Antichrist's imaeg], that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed. He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

+ Christian Monitor
+ Hudson Institute
+ - Persecution
+ Open Doors International
+ Voice of the Martyrs, The
+ Worthy News
+ The International Religious Freedom Report for 2002 (U.S. Department of State)
+ Online registration for free subscription to The Voice of the Martyrs, a magazine mailed to your home
+ Human Rights Reports & Country Profiles, a listing of countries in which there is persecution or severe discrimination against Christians

For a printed copy of the VOM [Voice of the Martyrs] Prisoner List, send the request along with your name and address via email to

To read accounts of early Christian martyrdom as recorded by Sixteenth Century historian John Foxe, see Foxe's Book of Martyrs.

PRAY FOR the persecuted church.

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Send copies of The Holy Bible to persons throughout the world, including persecuted Christians:

PRAY FOR the Persecuted Church.

NEWSWATCH CHECKLIST. Watch for the following issues relative to this section:
✔ Christian persecution and martyrdom from Islamic terrorists and others will increase.
✔ In nations which claim freedom of religion, the non-lethal forerunners of persecution, e.g., mockery and harrassment, will increase.
✔ Jesus the Christ will be demeaned and ridiculed, and few Christians will rise to His defense.
✔ Warn your family to never accept a device (implanatable microchip?) resembling the mark of the Beast. To conform to the Antichrist's scheme is to forfeit the soul (Revelatipn 14:9-11, my underlining for emphasis): Then a third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, “If anyone worships the beast [the Antichrist] and his image, and receives his mark on his forehead or on his hand, he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out full strength into the cup of His indignation. He shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb. “And the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever; and they have no rest day or night, who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name.”

See OPEN DOORS' 2018 WORLD WATCH LIST REPORT. Christians are under extreme, ever increasing persecution in much of the world, and little is being done about it. Many persecuted Christians are poor and brown-skinned— persons unlikely to garner sympathy of Western politicians and church pastors/ congregants.

Click on underlined title to read details.


BACKGROUND: Apostasy, or falling from (stepping away from) faith, is characteristic of the end of the Age of Grace. Faith is weak to almost non-existent in many formerly Christian countries, including much of Europe and part of the United States. Many people who state they are Christians do so because of a meaningless encounter with religion (example: infant baptism), but they never read and study the Holy Bible, pray, worship, praise God, congregate with fellow Christians, or seek God's forgiveness of sins. To be a follower of Jesus, one must walk daily with Him and apply Biblical principles to all life experiences.

Jesus outlined the Christian Church ages in Revelation, chapters 2 and 3. The last church type addressed by Jesus in Revelation 3:14-22 is the church in Laodicea, which represents the predominant church at the end of the age. Jesus had no praise for the Laodicean church because of its lukewarm faith and efforts. Even today, some church leaders deny the basic tenets of Christianity, while living a life which follows and glorifies Satan, rather than God. (There are several tenets of fundamental Christian beliefs all Christians should readily embrace.) Many people, busy with personal life issues, do not find time to consider their relationship with God. Because of their lack of faith, failure to seek salvation and redemption from sin, and following "idols" (any pursuit which is more important in life than the worship of God becomes an idol), they will die a spiritual death (the second death— death of the soul in Hell), as did people in Noah's day die a physical death (the first death) from the flood.

Shamefully, some "Christian" pastors combine Christianity and Islam into a bastardized religion— "Chrislam." In Chrislam, there is reading from both the Koran and the Holy Bible, there are prayers to Jehovah and to Allah, and there is taught that there is more than one way to eternal life. Jesus and New Testament authors had much to say about such false teachers. When these false teachers meet their Divine Judge, they will begin an eternity of remorse over their corruption of God's Holy Word and their attempts to lead Jesus' followers astray.

REPRESENTATIVE SCRIPTURES: Matthew 24:10, 12: [Jesus said] "And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another. |...| And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold."
Matthew 24:37-39: [Jesus said] "But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and did not know until the flood came and took them all away, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be."
EXPLANATION: Day of Noah refers to the way mankind behaved before the flood. The world will be destroyed twice— by water (flood) in Noah's time and by fire in the future. Noah's time is described in Genesis 6:5-7a: Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And the LORD was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart. So the LORD said, "I will destroy man...." Mankind, except for Noah and his family, was destroyed by the flood. The next destruction of the earth will follow the Millennial Kingdom, and was foretold to Isaiah (see Isaiah 65:17) and John (see Revelation 21:1). God will cleanse (purify) the earth of any remembrance of man's sinful activities before sinless New Jerusalem (Heaven) descends to a newly created earth and heavens (see 2 Peter 3:10-13).
Luke 18:8b: [Jesus said] "... Nevertheless, when the Son of Man [Jesus] comes, will He really find faith on the earth?"
2 Timothy 4:3-4: For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables.
2 Peter 3:3-9: ... scoffers will come in the last days, walking according to their own lusts, and saying, "Where is the promise of His coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation." For this they willfully forget: that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of water and in the water, by which the world that then existed perished, being flooded with water. But the heavens and the earth which are now preserved by the same word, are reserved for fire until the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men. But, beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.
Revelation 3:14-16: [Jesus said] "And to the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write, 'These things says the Amen, the Faithful and True Witness, the Beginning of the creation of God [Jesus]: I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot. So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth.'"

NEWSWATCH CHECKLIST. Watch for the following issues relative to this section:
✔ Many initially strong, faithful Christians will become spiritually weak, with little faith.
✔ Christian pastors will continue "seeker friendly" services, providing "pablum" to the babies in their congregation, but no "meat." (See 1 Corinthians 3:1-2 and Hebrews 5:11-14.)
✔ Growing numbers of "Christian" congregations may follow other congregations in the heresy of Chrislam.
✔ Growing numbers of "Christian" churches and denominations may participate in the damnable, lying heresy of replacement theology (supersessionism). Paul eloquently explained the relationship between Jews and Christians and the ultimate redemption of the Jews (see Romans, chapter 11). Numerous Scriptures warn of false teachers. Jesus warned that many persons who believe they are doing the will of God but teach contrary to His Word will not be admitted to Heaven, but will be cast into Hell (see Matthew 7:21-23.) It is the responsibility of every Christian to worship in a Christ-honoring, Bible-teaching congregation. Many modern pastors/ churches lead their congregants astray. If Jesus cannot abide many modern churches ("I will vomit you out of My mouth" — Revelation 3:16), flee from such a church and find a proper church. Both good and bad churches exist in most communities. The future of faith is a rocky road to follow. Mystery Babylon (the Whore of Babylon) will be destroyed (see Revelation, chapter 17). The False Prophet will establish a Tribulation church to promote Satan and the Antichrist; followers of this religion will face eternal life in Hell.
✔ Numerous enemies of the cross— including outspoken, demanding atheists backed by godless courts— will relentlessly attack Christianity. Jesus warned of the possibility of persecution and even martyrdom for His followers ("... take up your cross ..."— Matthew 16:24, Mark 8:34, Mark 10:21, Luke 9:23).
✔ Something may happen to shake the faith of weak Christians, causing many to flee the practice of their faith, and the prophesied end-time apostasy will be set into motion. If you are in a school or shopping mall captured by Islamic terrorists, who begin murdering Christians, how strong would be your faith?
✔ Christians who attend churches which preach prosperity Gospel and promise personal rewards from God in this life are being set up for apostasy, when the economy fails. ("When" is more likely than "if" the economy fails.) Avoid prosperity gospel as an example of "another gospel" (see 2 Corinthians 11:4 and Galatians 1:6-7). Such verses as 3 John 1:2 are promoted (I wish above all things that you may prosper...). "Prosper" translates a compound Greek word (literally, good + travel). John wished that the readers of his epistle might have a good journey in life, not that they might accumulate wealth.
✔ Beware of "politically correct speech," which has been summarized as: "Freedom of speech for me, but not for thee." Liberals (progressives) use politically correct speech as a weapon to bludgeon the First Amendment and the Word of God. Do not fear being called some imagined "-phobe" or other derogatory anti-Christian slur, as long as you speak the truth of God's Word. At the end of time, you will be judged by Jesus, not some Harvard professor or cable news pundit.
✔ According to the Catholic Cathecism, paragraph 841: "The Church's relationship with the Muslims. The plan of salvation also includes those who acknowledge the Creator, in the first place amongst whom are the Muslims; these profess to hold the faith of Abraham, and together with us they adore the one, merciful God, mankind's judge on the last day." What!? Salvation comes through the atoning grace secured by Jesus on Golgotha's cross— NOT by being descended from Abraham. Muslims are the greatest enemies today of Jews and Christians! The "Creator" acknowledged by Muslims is Allah, not Jehovah, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Abraham, Ishmael, and Mohammad is not the genealogy of Jesus. Politically correct thought has entered the Catholic Church, and has caused grievous heresies to be espoused. Jehovah and Allah are not the same. Jesus and Mohammad are not the same. The Bible and the Koran are not the same. Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness? (2 Corinthians 6:14) A Christian owes a Muslim only two things: (1) To be loved, as Jesus commanded; and (2) To receive the Gospel message. In America and most Western countries, a third benefit is granted— to worship any god (or no god) a person wishes to worship, without governmental persecution or interference. (Islamic mosques are built throughout America, for example, but try to build a Christian church or Jewish synagogue in Saudi Arabia, Iran, etc.) Jews and Christians generally treat Muslims far, far better than Muslims treat Jews and Christians.

Click on underlined title to read details.


BACKGROUND: The majority of Christian churches will become the lukewarm churches patterned after the church in Laodicea (see Revelation 3:14-22). Such churches distress Jesus ("I will vomit you out of My mouth"). Paradoxically, a minority of Christian churches will become the vibrant, ministering, evangelical churches patterned after the Church in Philadelphia (see Revelation 3:7-13). Such churches are loved by Jesus. The Philadelphia-type church will spread the message of Jesus as Lord and Savior and the loving grace of God the Father to all parts of the world before Jesus' return. Even though evangelical Christians are in the minority, impressive evangelism is now magnified because Gospel messages on radio, television, satellite, and Internet blanket all parts of the earth (see Jesus' Great Commission in Matthew 28:19-20).

The greatest activity of any Christian church is the spread of the Gospel message to a lost world. While a Christian church may engage in such activities as social dinners, sports, and so forth, it is spread of the Gospel that follows Jesus' commission for His Church. Jesus gave few commands for His followers— deny self, take up the cross, and follow Him. Complicated rituals and rules of Christian churches stray from the simplicity of Jesus' invitation. The late Billy Graham was a successful, beloved evangelist. His messages were simple, easily understood, and repeatedly carried the simple message found in John 3:16.

REPRESENTATIVE SCRIPTURES: Matthew 24:14: [Jesus said] ""And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come."
COMMENT: Since "all nations" have at least some access to the Gospel of the Kingdom, Jesus' prophecy has been fulfilled, and "the end" can come at any time.
Mark 13:10: [Jesus said] "And the gospel must first be preached to all the nations." COMMENT: "Gospel" comes from a compund Greek word: good + message (news). The Gospel is the good news of the Messiah's birth, life (ministry), death, and resurrection.
Matthew 28:19-20: [Jesus said] "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age."
Revelation 3:7-8, 10-11: [Jesus said] "And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write, 'These things says He who is holy, He who is true, "He who has the key of David, He who opens and no one shuts, and shuts and no one opens:" I know your works. See, I have set before you an open door, and no one can shut it; for you have a little strength, have kept My word, and have not denied My name. |...| Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth. Behold, I am coming quickly! Hold fast what you have, that no one may take your crown."[

WHY IS THE GOOD NEWS SO HARD TO FIND IN NEWS MEDIA REPORTS? The Gospel is called "the Good News" because it tells the world about God's grace and His plan of salvation to save sinners from eternal death. Efforts to save souls and help people in Jesus' name go virtually unreported in the national news media. Any hint of negative news or scandal within the community of faith will be copiously, gleefully reported, though. Satan has hardened the hearts of news media reporters, editors, and executives. Consider:

  • If an evangelist, minister, or priest falls into sin, this failure is repeatedly reported in minute detail. However, for every servant of God who fails, there are many thousands who do not fail. These faithful servants carry the Word of God daily throughout the earth. These servants of the Lord receive little or no media coverage for their sacrifices and good fruit. Who wants to read or hear about these "goody goodshoes?"
  • If a church or evangelistic ministry embezzles or misuses the treasury of God's Kingdom (donations), this, too, is reported in great detail. However, for every dishonest ministry, there are thousands of honest ministries who spend every cent carefully to save souls and minister to persons in need. Honest ministries receive little media coverage.
  • Any disillusioned or apostate theologian who has a theory on how God or the Holy Bible can be questioned or seemingly discredited is given wide media coverage. However, for every lost, confused, apostate theologian, there are thousands of ministers of the Gospel who boldly proclaim God's Holy Word with clarity and without doubt or apology, proclaiming, "Thus saith the Lord...." These faithful witnesses of the Word of God receive little or media coverage.

Therefore, it is difficult to find news stories in the national media outlets which tell of a Church of Jesus Christ being preached throughout the nations to all peoples. This lack of message is due to selective, biased, hate-filled editing by the media. Neither Satan nor a biased news media can stop evangelism, though. Every moment of every day the messages of God's grace and the blood sacrifice of the Savior Jesus Christ reach the world through personal, radio, television, and Internet ministries. There is Good News in the earth, even if the news media refuse to acknowledge the good news.

I like the "Shoe" cartoon strip. "Shoe" is (was? is it still published?) about birds whose lives center around a newspaper, the Tattler-Tribune. Several years ago, the cartoonist, Jeff MacNelly, wrote a book, 27 Years of Shoe: World Ends at Ten, Details at Eleven. I am amused by the book's title. If we wait for the news media, government, and many pastors to warn us about the end of the Age of Grace, we will be "an hour late." That is why God called those who worship Him to be watchmen and sound the trumpet of alarm for our neighbors, as written in Jeremiah 6:17a: [Says the LORD] "Also, I set watchmen over you, saying, 'Listen to the sound of the trumpet!'...." Read also Ezekiel 33:1-9, which tells of our responsibility to watch for others and the judgment for failing to warn others of coming danger. It is up to Jesus' followers— those who watch for the return of Jesus— to sound the trumpet of alarm and warn others of the soon return of Jesus for His church (His followers or believers), so that they will not perish (die the second death in Hell).

A modern invention, which facilitates evangelism, is the Internet. GO TO this site to view a worldwide distribution of Internet sites. Another important invention of modern communication is television. I remember reading a National Geographic magazine several years ago about the isolation of parts of eastern Asia. Small, Chinese-made color television sets were being watched, even in what would seem the most primitive living standards in the world. The Gospel will be preached by many means before Jesus returns!

Read The Story of Jesus, and share with others.

The "JESUS" film has been one of the most widely circulated evangelical tools:
• Billions have watched this film, which has been a favorite evangelical tool of missionaries in remote countries.
• More than 200-million persons have accepted Jesus as Savior, after watching the film.
• See other statistics about the film.
• Watch the 128-minute film in English or in many other languages.

NEWSWATCH CHECKLIST. Watch for the following issues relative to this section:
✔ Although many will become apostate and false teachers will abound in the last days, a seemingly contradictory* countermovement will surface as the Gospel is spread throughout the world (*not really contradictory, though, as this struggle embraces the ancient conflict between God and Satan).
✔ New Testament authors assured us that God wishes that no one would perish (suffer the Second Death), and His longsuffering love will serve to gather to salvation as many as will accept His grace. Why does it seem so long before Jesus' return? His delayed return is God's love in action. God patiently waits for the return of His children, as did the father in the Parable of the Lost (Prodigal) Son (see Luke 15:11-32).
✔ Old Testament prophets assured us that knowledge and travel will increase dramatically in the last days. This prophecy has certainly been fulfilled, permitting the Gospel to be spread to a lost world by traditional missionary efforts, with new technology— radio, television, satellite transmissions, and the Internet— to reach persons rapidly and in more remote areas. Think: God has given us knowledge to build the Internet not to host such silly social Websites as Facebook but for Christians to communicate to a dark, lost world.
✔ The most dramatic results may not be seen in Western, traditionally Christian nations, but may occur in nations not previously exposed to the Gospel.
✔ Untold millions will find salvation through evangelical efforts in time to be swept into the Kingdom at the return of the Christ in the clouds!
✔ I have heard many preachers/ evangelists long for a "great revival." This revival is coming! The greatest evangelical efforts of all time will occur during the Tribulation due to the unstoppable ministry of 144,000 Jewish evangelists (see Revelation, chapter 7). Imagine 144,000 "Apostle Pauls" blanketing the world in all nations proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus!
✔ Do not miss your place in end-time evangelical efforts. Generously support missions. Boldly preach the Good News to others in any manner you can!

★ ATTENTION! There are many reports of Muslims in the Middle East and elsewhere converting to Christianity after they see (in a dream or vision) a Person they believe to be Jesus the Christ. SEE some of these accounts accessed through a Google search engine aggregation. Perhaps Jesus is supernaturally causing these salvations when conventional mission efforts have failed (2 Peter 3:9): The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. Is the Holy Spirit intervening in the hearts and souls of the lost because we Christians are not accomplishing God's will with enough vigor?

Click on underlined title to read details.


BACKGROUND: Many people in developed countries, including countries in North America and Europe, share certain features:
• They are exceedingly rich by world and historical standards.
• They typically are not required to work from dawn to dusk to eke out a meager living, as in former times.
• Rather than rejoicing in their good lives, many become bored and disillusioned. They use their abundance of wealth and leisure time to yield to Satan's temptations by turning to drugs— and, alcohol is a drug— and other sinful activities to fill their meaningless days and to dull their senses.
• Instead of being grateful for riches and leisure time, they do not help their neighbors in need and they do not serve God.
• These bored people abuse alcohol and other drugs, participate in astrology and various demonic spiritual delusions, waste their lives on meaningless electronic games and social networks, spend their days satisfying only themselves, and follow Satan deeper into darkness. They truly live "as in the days of Noah" of which Jesus warned (see Matthew 24:37-39).

The Bible prophesied there would be many persons involved in "sorceries" at the end of the age. Interestingly, the word poorly translated sorceries, sorcery, or magic spells in various Bible versions is the Greek word pharmakeia. The pharmak- (pharmac-) root is familiar to every person, as it relates to drugs (pharmacy, pharmaceutical, pharmacist, pharmacology, etc.). There is recent mania to legalize marijuana. This drug is not harmless for many reasons. Side effects of particular interest to globalists include: study difficulties (reduced ability to learn and retain information); apathy, drowsiness, lack of motivation; personality and mood changes; and inability to understand and think clearly. There are other alarming side effects of this "harmless" drug, which in reality is a "gateway drug" to the use of even more dangerous drugs. To the future Antichrist's totalitarian government, a population of apathetic, fuzzy-headed, ambitionless, and agnostic/ atheistic subjects is an ideal flock of sheep for the evil shepherd to lead wherever he desires. I can almost hear it now: "The Antichrist is cool, man. Let's smoke another blunt."

One of the reasons the future Babylon the Great will fall is her use and exportation of pharmakeia (see Revelation 18:23-24). This Babylon, "destroyed in one hour," represents man's governments which rebel against God. America and other nations cannot continue to sin against God, while expecting to avoid His wrath.

REPRESENTATIVE SCRIPTURES: Revelation 18:23-24 (my underlining): [A mighty angel said] "The light of a lamp shall not shine in you anymore, and the voice of bridegroom and bride shall not be heard in you anymore. For your merchants were the great men of the earth, for by your sorcery [em>pharmakeia] all the nations were deceived. And in her was found the blood of prophets and saints, and of all who were slain on the earth."

NEWSWATCH CHECKLIST. Watch for the following issues relative to this section:
✔ Usage of drugs (including alcohol) is rampant in modern societies.
✔ Marijuana is the new drug of choice for millions. Marijuana, by dulling the intellect and ambition, will play into the Antichrist's hands, as dumbed-down, ambitionless dullards will follow any leader who will supply "things" (including drugs) for them.
✔ Drug abuse (translated "sorceries" in many Bible versions) is a marker for a failed society and a people disobeying God's laws. A chilling warning is given in Revelation 21:8 and 22:15: "Sorcerers" will not enter New Jerusalem (Heaven). "Sorcerers" translates the Greek pharmakois, which may be rendered "magicians" in some Bible, but the pharmac- root clearly indicates persons seeking and practicing drug-induced "magic." It is distressing to see the mania now involved in drug usage (most recently marijuna). Holy Scriptures clearly warn against drug abuse. Faith in God can overcome addiction!

COMMENT: Any reader must be aware of the drug problems and other addictive, Satan-inspired sins abounding in society (such as, pornography, adultery, and fornication). Local newspapers are filled with drug busts and alcohol-related traffic accidents. Because of common knowledge among readers, most stories about "sorceries" are omitted from this Website.

Click on underlined title to read details.


BACKGROUND: Evil and unrepentant mankind will endure epidemics and plagues during the Tribulation.

The stage for these judgments is now set. Infectious agent pandemics can sweep the earth with amazing speed, facilitated by worldwide airplane travel and evil terrorists. HIV (the AIDS virus) infected millions of persons in a few years. More recently, infection with Ebola virus and other pathogens caused worldwide distress. Consider the even greater worldwide impact, if HIV or Ebola virus were spread by an airborne route (virus hybridization). In this scenario, one infected passenger could infect an entire plane of passengers, each of whom in turn would infect persons in their communities, each of whom would in turn....

Consider global spread of a deadly virus (such as Ebola virus). Scientists are capable of synthesizing and hybridizing viruses, perhaps creating viruses for which no natural immunity exists.

Hostile governments are weaponizing bacteria and viruses. Russia, although unable to weaponize the Ebola virus, has successfully weaponized a related virus, the Marburg virus. Many tons of pathogenic organisms (smallpox virus, for example) are stored for possible use as biologic weapons of mass destruction. Most (all?) countries stopped smallpox vaccinations a few decades ago. This vaccination cessation seemed a smart move at the time, but may be catastrophic in the future, as many millions of persons have no smallpox immunity. The Internet guides terrorists on ways to weaponize the anthrax bacillus from dead animal carcasses. Weaponized anthrax is available to many hostile governments. Airport security is more illusion than fact. For example, an infectious terrorist (not yet exhibiting symptoms or taking saporon to mask fever) could board a plane for London, New York, Paris, etc. This terrorist could travel from Africa or the Middle East, exposing hundreds of passengers. These passengers, then, would continue their journeys throughout Western nations, infecting many persons.

Many bacteria, once easily treated with antibiotics, are now resistant to virtually all antibiotics. When antibiotics fail, people will succumb to infections now considered readily treatable.

With Tribulation wars and famines, people will be even more susceptible to epidemics (due to malnutrition and impaired immunity).

The environment is always at risk for invasion by hordes of insects and other destructive pests, further worsening famines caused by the wars, droughts, and infections of the Tribulation.

Epidemic = a disease that affects a greater number of people than is usual for a given region or spreads to regions in which the disease is usually not found.
Pandemic = an epidemic of worldwide proportions.

REPRESENTATIVE SCRIPTURES: Revelation 6:7-8: When [Jesus] opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature saying, "Come and see." So I looked, and behold, a pale* horse. And the name of him who sat on it was Death, and Hades followed with him. And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, with hunger, with death, and by the beasts of the earth.**
— — — — —
* The Greek word translated "pale" (chloros) implies a greenish or yellowish-green color.
** "Beasts of the earth" may indicate diseases carried by animals. For example, malaria is a leading cause of death in the world. The malarial parasite is transmitted by an animal, the mosquito. People do not die from a mosquito (animal) bite, but they die from the infection carried by the biting animal.
Revelation 9:1-11 foretells the fifth trumpet judgment, in which demonic locusts are released from the bottomless pit to torment those "who did not have the seal of God on their foreheads" with extremely painful, scorpion-like stings for five months during the Tribulation.
Revelation 16:2: So the first [angel] went and poured out his bowl upon the earth, and a foul and loathsome sore came upon the men who had the mark of the beast and those who worshiped his image.
Revelation 16:3: Then the second angel poured out his bowl on the sea, and it became blood as of a dead man; and every living creature in the sea died.
COMMENT: Could this judgment be the Red Tide we now experience, or a similar infestation of the ocean waters?

CDC News Updates:HIV/AIDS, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, and Tuberculosis Prevention News Update
The Global Infectious Disease Threat and Its Implications for the United States
Public Health Emergency Preparedness & Response (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)

If you want access to the best and latest scientific studies in health-related topics, go to:
Google Scholar
Both of these sites are superb. In either site, find a search box. Enter the word or phrase of interest in the search box, and the world's medical literature is immediately opened for your use. Google Scholar is probably more extensive and contains more articles from around the world. Of the archived medical journal articles, you can read either the entire article or at least pertinent information— backgroud of authors and abstract (abstract = summary of article's finding and conclusions).

NEWSWATCH CHECKLIST. Watch for the following issues relative to this section:
✔ Epidemics/ pandemics will increase possibly due to some or all of these factors:
• International travel may spread pathogens throughout the world in less than a day;
• Bacteria will become more resistant to antibiotics (that is, modern tools to fight infection will become increasingly ineffective or even worthless);
• Medical facilities may be overwhelmed, at least in some countries; and
• Terrorists may weaponize bacteria and viruses for release as weapons of mass destruction in urban areas.

Click on underlined title to read details.


BACKGROUND: Famines and droughts are major problems now. During the Tribulation, however, the earth will be gripped by unprecedented famines and droughts, and these conditions— representing judgments of God (the Third and Fourth Seal Judgments) — will be intensified by worldwide wars and plagues (epidemics) of a magnitude never before experienced on earth.

REPRESENTATIVE SCRIPTURES: Matthew 24:7b: [Jesus said] "...There will be famines...."
Mark 13:8c: [Jesus said] "...and there will be famines...."
Luke 21:11b: [Jesus said] "[There will be] ... famines...."
Revelation 6:5-8: When [Jesus] opened the third seal, I [John] heard the third living creature say, "Come and see." So I looked, and behold, a black horse, and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, "A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine." When [Jesus] opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature saying, "Come and see." So I looked, and behold, a pale horse. And the name of him who sat on it was Death, and Hades followed with him. And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, with hunger, with death, and by the beasts of the earth.
COMMENT: A denarius was the wage of a common laborer in the first century. A quart of wheat is sufficient to bake a small loaf of bread. What John saw was this: A working man would need to labor all day for just enough to provide barest sustenance for himself, with nothing left to support his family's meals or other living expenses. The fact that the oil and wine were not harmed may mean that these luxury foods can still be purchased by the wealthy (old proverb: "the rich get richer, while the poor get poorer"), regardless of the famine, but the grains eaten by the poor will be in short supply.
Old, but interesting articles:

+ National Drought Mitigation Center.
+ U.S. Drought Monitor
+ World POPClock Projection [up-to-date world population estimates]
+ 2013 World Hunger and Poverty Facts and Statistics

NEWSWATCH CHECKLIST. Watch for the following issues relative to this section:
✔ As the world's population increases and as droughts, wars, and plagues increase, widespread famine can be expected.
✔ Something as seemingly unimportant as loss of honey bees (necessary for crop pollination) could seriously impact food production. Honeybees are being obliterated at an alarming rate (colony collapse disorder of honeybees)
✔ Poorer nations will be disproportionately more affected than richer nations.
✔ Hunger and starvation will increase.

Click on underlined title to read details.


BACKGROUND: Earthquakes have long accompanied God's judgments and announcements. Jesus prophesied great earthquakes prior to His return. It is estimated that more than 3.3-million earthquakes shake the earth each year. Most earthquakes are small. Many cannot be felt, but can be identified with seismographs. Some people claim that earthquakes have increased during the last century, but others argue that the recent "increase" in earthquake activity reflects better detection (more seismographs around the world) and better reporting (global satellite communication). Jesus' prophecy is fulfilled either way. That is, people of the world are made increasingly aware of earthquakes in different places, whether earthquakes occur more frequently or are reported more easily. At the beginning of His Olivet Discourse prophecy teaching, Jesus qualified His prophecies: "You will hear...." He did not say, "You will personally experience...." Increase in knowledge about global earthquake activity also fits Daniel's end-time prophecy about people going here and there to increase knowledge (see Daniel 12:4). Remember also that the tectonic plates are unstable and active, and massive shifts in these plates (causing severe earthquake activity) could occur throughout the earth in the days or weeks immediately preceding Jesus' return.

Explanation of the Richter scale:

The Richter scale measures the magnitude (strength) of an earthquake. The scale is logarithmic. That is, an increase of one full number to the left of the decimal point represents a ten-fold increase in earthquake magnitude. (For example, a 6.0 earthquake is ten times stronger than a 5.0 earthquake.) Richter scale numbers approximately correlate with damage, as follows:
<3.5 (less than 3.5): Generally not felt by humans, but measurable by instruments.
3.5 - 5.4: Often felt by humans, but property damage is rare.
5.5 - 6.0: Slight property damage to well-designed buildings, but major damage to poorly designed buildings; damage confined to a small region.
6.1 - 6.9: Can be destructive in populated regions in a region up to 100 kilometers (60 miles) in diameter.
7.0 - 7.9: Major earthquake— can cause serious damage over a region exceeding 100 kilometers (60 miles) in diameter.
8.0 or greater (≥8.0): Great earthquake— can cause devastating damage in a region several hundred kilometers (several hundred miles) in diameter.

The death toll associated with the larger earthquakes depends upon population density, construction practices for residential homes and public buildings, associated fires, and other factors.

REPRESENTATIVE SCRIPTURES: Matthew 24:7b: [Jesus said] "... There will be ... earthquakes in various places."
Mark 13:8b: [Jesus said] "There will be earthquakes in various places.... These are the beginnings of birth pains."
Luke 21:11a: [Jesus said] "There will be great earthquakes... in various places...."


Earthquake Search, U.S. Geological Survey, search for global, national, and local earthquakes
Earthquake Lists and Maps (Records), U.S. Geological Survey
Earthquake Statistics (2000 - present), U.S. Geological Survey

NEWSWATCH CHECKLIST. Watch for the following issues relative to this section:
✔ "You will hear" [Jesus' words] of earthquakes in many places, a prophecy only recently possible because of global communication.
✔ Earthquakes may increase in number and severity and occur in unusual locations.
✔ Volcanic activity, a phenomenon closely related to earthquakes, will increase.

Click on underlined title to read details.

Because earthquakes are so common, only the largest earthquakes— those associated with many deaths, widespread property damage, or large tsunami production— will be cited in this Website.

See chart showing an increase in severe earthquakes, as we approach the return of the Lord: USGS Worldwide Deadly & Destructive Earthquakes between Magnitudes 6 and 8. Similar information may be obtained at: Historic Worldwide Earthquakes— Sorted by Date. Weekly occurrence of earthquakes may be monitored at: Recent Earthquakes.

See information about a major expanse of volcanic and seismic (earthquake) activity: Pacific Ring of Fire.


BACKGROUND: Some climatologists warn that the earth is undergoing "climate change" (whether man-made or due to natural processes). Other climatologists deny this claim, citing manipulated or selective use of weather data. The climate-change cult warns of greater number and strength of storms, which has not yet happened. The one constant of climate is climate change— climate always has changed, always will.

The earth undergoes periods of warming and periods of cooling. SEE Global Temperature Trends From 2500 B.C. To 2040 A.D., in which a chart represents at least 78 major temperature swings from 2500 BC to AD 2040. Most climate changes occurreed before man's activities could influence the climate. Do man's activities significantly alter climate? The unsolvable debate is whether man is (that is, man's activities are) presently affecting the climate primarily through fossil fuel consumption (production of greenhouse gases). This question seems to me to be unsolvable by the long-accepted scientific method. Unless we could create two parallel earths— our present earth as a test earth and an identical earth free of human activity as a control earth— this question probably cannot be resolved with scientific certainty. Climate models, with all of their problems (including "adjustment of data" to make the models fit observed data), will dominate our discussion. Climate debate has taken on features of religion, with climate "believers" and climate "deniers."

Jesus warned that there will be severe storms prior to His return.

REPRESENTATIVE SCRIPTURE: Luke 21:25b: [Jesus said] "... on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring;...."

COMMENT: Major storms occur at irregular intervals. Major storm systems can develop within a few days. Therefore, lack of recent storm activity provides no assurance that the return of Jesus is in the distant future. Look for changing weather patterns— increase in strength and frequency of storms and unusual weather occurrences.

NEWSWATCH CHECKLIST. Watch for the following issues relative to this section:
✔ Bizarre and severe weather patterns throughout the world may increase, as Jesus' return nears.

Click on underlined title to read details.


BACKGROUND: The present time is marked by an unprecedented explosion of knowledge. At the time of the prophets and Jesus, the base of knowledge doubled over a period of many centuries. The base of knowledge now doubles over a period of a few months at most. Computers and worldwide communication systems foster rapid growth and dissemination of knowledge.

Marked advances in astronomy— including the Hubble telescope— permit us to see the far reaches of space and to increase knowledge about the universe God created. Our astronomy tools reveal that the beautiful universe is, in fact, a hostile place. There are large heavenly bodies— asteroids and comets— flying through space at great speed. These bodies have frequently struck earth, and can strike (and will strike) again. Great energy is imparted by one of these strikes. This energy, kinetic energy, is determined by the formula K = 0.5(mv2), where K is the measurement of kinetic energy, m is the mass (weight), and v is the velocity (speed). The destructive power of these extraterrestrial objects is in large part imparted by the great velocity (speed) these objects attain before striking earth. Catastrophic damage (equal to many nuclear bomb detonations) can occur. Debris thrown up and fires caused by such a collision would simulate the well-popularized "nuclear winter." The dust and smoke would darken the sun and alter the color of the moon.

REPRESENTATIVE SCRIPTURES: Genesis 1:14-15: Then God said, "Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and seasons, and for days and years; and let them be for lights in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the earth"; and it was so."
Daniel 12:4: [The angel said] "But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase."
Joel 2:30-31: [The LORD replies] "And I will show wonders in the heavens and in the earth: blood and fire and pillars of smoke. The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the coming of the great and awesome day of the LORD."
Luke 21:11: [Jesus said] "And there will be ... fearful sights and great signs from heaven."
Revelation 8:7-12: The first angel sounded: And hail and fire followed, mingled with blood, and they were thrown to the earth. And a third of the trees were burned up, and all green grass was burned up. Then the second angel sounded: And something like a great mountain burning with fire was thrown into the sea, and a third of the sea became blood. And a third of the living creatures in the sea died, and a third of the ships were destroyed. Then the third angel sounded: And a great star fell from heaven, burning like a torch, and it fell on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water. The name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters became wormwood, and many men died from the water, because it was made bitter. Then the fourth angel sounded: And a third of the sun was struck, a third of the moon, and a third of the stars, so that a third of them were darkened. A third of the day did not shine, and likewise the night. And I looked, and I heard an angel flying through the midst of heaven, saying with a loud voice, "Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth, because of the remaining blasts of the trumpet of the three angels who are about to sound!"

RELATED REFERENCE SITES: This interesting site provides information about solar storm activity. Solar storms (sunspots) progress through an eleven-year cycle. A massive solar flare (coronal mass expulsion) directed at the earth could destroy electronic instruments/ machines and electrical grid infrastructure. ?"

NEWSWATCH CHECKLIST. Watch for the following issues relative to this section:
✔ Knowledge is increasing exponentially. Of numerous articles, see The Knowledge Doubling Curve for the rapid increrase in the accumulation and dissemination of knowledge. The computer has facilitated knowledge acquisition. Knowledge in all areas of science and civilization will continue to be amazing.
✔ Remarkable discoveries have been made through space programs (Hubble telescope, widespread space travel, etc.). Continue to be amazed at the wonders of God's creation. Also, be amazed that God would even love and be concerned about such a seemingly unimportant creation as humans, who live on a tiny planet in a small nook of the Universe.
✔ Since events from space are prophesied for the last days, watch for extraterrestrial dangers.

Click on underlined title to read details.


Click on underlined title to read details.

See Quotes on Liberty and Virtue. We are losing both liberty and virtue!

See “As You See the Day Approaching” Omnibus Study Book of 100 Biblical Prophetic Trends 1945-2015. This nearly 300-page study book from the Evangelical Bible College of Western Australia may be downloaded free of charge.

See 2017 Prophetic Events Recap.


You may find the following entries useful. Please go to the underlined link, with one-click re-entry to this home page.

• Some reasons why you should study Bible prophecy are presented.

• Summary of Messianic Rabbi Jonathan Cahn's The Harbinger. Rabbi Cahn's best-selling book draws a compelling parallel between ancient Israel and modern America, based on Isaiah 9:10, showing the mistakes and fate of Israel and the mistakes and possible fate of America. Cahn's book is a must-read.

• The New Covenant began with the Abel's sacrifice, continued for centuries of animal sacrifices, was created as a symbolic ordinance at the LORD's Passover in Egypt, was instituted as Communion by Jesus, and will not be fully realized until the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. Understand the sacrifice of our Passover Lamb, Jesus.

• The New Covenant was sealed by Jesus' crucifixion, and symbolized at a Passover Seder just hours before His death. Christians are commanded to eat a symbolic meal with one another in remembrance of Jesus' sacrifice for the sins of mankind. Included appendices: (A) Ancient Jewish wedding ceremonial rituals as a prophecy of Jesus' ministry and as explanation for the terms "Bridegroom," "bride," and "Two Witnesses" in Scriptures; and (B) Discussion of the "Holy Grail."

• God has given an outline of our future in the Holy Bible. More important than telling us of our future, God gives each person the privilege of deciding his/ her future— whether the future will be spent in glorious Heaven or horrendous Hell. If you are uncertain of your eternity, you can decide today whether to live eternally in joy, happiness, and victory!

• Every person will face one of two judgments and one of two eternal consequences.

• The majority of Muslims are moderate in beliefs and make hard-working, family-oriented, loyal citizens in nations to which they emigrate. A minority are fundamentalists (erroneously called "extremists"). In this minority are the terrorists who hate Jews, Christians, other Muslims (apostates), Israel, America, European nations, and all others except those who share their narrow views of Islam. Politically correct persons label anyone who discusses these fundamentalists in a negative light as an "Islamophobe." At the root of terrorism is a strict interpretation of the Koran and the Hadiths. This section discusses some of the causes of Islamic fundamentalism.

OF INTEREST TO AMERICAN READERS: These entries may be of special interest to American citizens:
GEORGE WASHINGTON'S FAREWELL— A WARNING FOR AMERICA. President George Washington prepared a farewell "address" to America. In 1796, he warned against the very things that are today destroying America's constitutional republic.
AMERICA'S JUDEO-CHRISTIAN FOUNDATION. The United States was clearly founded on Judeo-Christian principles— not on Islamic, atheistic, or secular principles. Qoutations from America's Founding fathers and others show the deep faith upon which the United States was founded.

THE STATUE AND THE ROCK (DANIEL, CHAPTER 2) — A Prophecy of the Future Defeat of Evil by the Holy One of God
• Daniel, chapter 2 is a remarkable prophetic chapter. I take three points from this prophecy— the succession of empires until the end of time, foundation of the Church on the Rock Jesus, and establishment of Jesus' Millennial Kingdom. All of these events (and more) were told to Daniel more than 2,500 years ago!

BRANCHES IN GOD'S OLIVE TREE (ROMANS, CHAPTER 11) — The Relationship Between Jews and Christians Explained
• Romans, chapter 11 is an important teaching of Paul. The past, present, and future relationships between Jews and Gentile Christians are explained. Gentiles occupy God's tree of Israel for the moment, but they will be snatched away (raptured) and Jews will be grafted back into that tree.

• Rapidly growing anti-Christian, anti-Semitic, secular humanist, and pro-Islamic sentiment in the European Union is changing "the cradle of Christianity" to a future power base of the Antichrist.

• Since certain prophecies revolve around the end-time increase in knowledge— such knowledge commonly being referred to as "science" — I wish to say a few things about science. Science is merely an ongoing search for truth. What is considered valid science today will be disproven tomorrow. Do not worship at the altar of science and mistakenly hold scientists in greater regard than they should be considered. Give God's Word far more credibility than any scientific pronouncement.

• Know some of the responsibilites of and rewards for you, if you study prophecy.

• If you wish to contact me, my email and postal addresses and home telephone number are listed. I will welcome hearing from you!

• Some readers have inquired to know something about the author of this Website. I would prefer to remain anonymous, as my efforts are a gift to the Lord, but this request is reasonable. A short autobiographical sketch is provided.


This Day in History


Visitors now connected to this site. Your visit is marked with concentric circles radiating from your home. Let these circles remind you that the Gospel should radiate from you into the world (see Acts 1:8). The graphic is incomplete, though. When you radiate the Gospel into the world, God's blessings radiate back to you now and upwardly to be stored as future "treasures" or "crowns" in Heaven! See MY CROWNS.

Man's time (GMT) is shown. Because you have learned about Jesus' imminent return, you are commanded to warn others of His return. Today could be the day of Jesus' return or of your physical death. At that moment, your opportunity to serve God will end. Your record for your Bema Judgment will be eternally sealed. Today is your day to begin serving Him! Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Make every day, every hour you have left count for something!

AS MAN'S TIME ENDS: Read Ezekiel 33:1-6. Become one of God's watchmen on the walls. The sword of the end of the Age of Grace, Tribulation, and Judgment are coming upon your family, community, and nation. Warn people of the impending end of the age, so that their blood will not be on your hands.

Read Matthew 24:36, 42-44. Jesus will return on a day and hour unknown to you. Man's time for you will cease "in the twinkling of an eye." Your sins for which you must account to God and your opportunities to serve the Master will be instantly sealed. You will be, then, on God's eternal time. Are you, your family, and your neighbors ready for the return of Jesus? Is this moment a good time to repent of your sins? Is this a good time to start working for the Kingdom? God's clock is ticking second by second toward your encounter with Him, and this encounter may be very soon.

Revelation 22:20: He [Jesus] who testifies to these things says, "Yes, I am coming soon." Amen. Come, Lord Jesus. EXPLANATION: English translations of the original Bible text can become barriers to understanding the meaning of the Bible. Translators commonly translate the underlined word in this and similar verses as "soon." The Greek word here is ταχύ (tachu, pronoucnced TAKH • oo). This word can be translated "soon," "quickly," or "suddenly." Jesus obviously has not returned soon or quickly by man's reckoning. His return is properly understood as suddenly. As soon as a person dies or at the rapture, he/ she suddenly meets Jesus. Peter anticipated those who would twist Scriptures in an attempt to discredit Jesus (2 Peter 3:3-4, 8-10) ...knowing this first: that scoffers will come in the last days, walking according to their own lusts, and saying, "Where is the promise of His coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation." || But, beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up.

Isaac Newton, one of the greatest scientists of all times, anticipated enemies of the cross who would try to tear down prophecies: "About the time of the end, a body of men will be raised up, who will turn their attention to the prophecies, in the midst of much clamor and opposition."

MARANATHA! Word study: Maranatha was a watchword of first-century Christ-followers. This word is used once in the New Testament (1 Corinthians 16:22). This greeting is a compound word— two words fused into a single word— of Aramaic origin. Depending upon the pronunciation (the placement of the "n" sound), the word has different meanings. If pronounced, marana - tha, the word means, "Come, our Lord!" If pronounced, maran - atha, the word means, "Our Lord has come!" Thus, Maranatha! can be viewed as a prayer for the return of Jesus or a statement of faith in His first coming. Whether intended as faith or hope, this word is a meaningful greeting for Christians.

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